Who says a sports car can't be enviro-friendly...

Like being insecure?:stuck_out_tongue:

sell your car yet? maybe you should raise the price a bit more :stuck_out_tongue:

lol subscribed

No hitting below the belt.:biglaugh:

All you idiots need to unplug your vaginas.

The point of this thread here is that Lotus came out with yet another sweet version of the Exige platform.

That’s all.

Then why did you title it “enviro-friendly” ?

me likey :tup:

Because it is. What am I missing here, other than you and a few others arguing about who’s right or wrong, in regards to “how” enviro-friendly it is? I have no interest in arguing about that, I was merely showing a cool car.

No, it is not.

Ok. Stop traffic. Call Lotus, let them know. I’m sure they’ll just apologize to you personally and take it off the market.

wow stop the shit talk. at least its a step in a better direction than relying on foreign sources. cuz thats working out nicely so far :tdown: