Euro 08

you’re right, my 6 year old doesn’t care for sports, my 4 year old can most definately do it though.

i wasnt comparing pick up football to nfl,obviously the nfl players know what there doing. i was stating that obviously any fatass can catch a football and make a couple ppl miss on his way to the endzone. soccer requires actual skill, hence the reason why you dont see couch potato americans playing it as much.

Or it couldnt be that they would rather play football?

Football is the fat mans sport. Im not sayin its not a sport of skill becuase in order to win games you need recievers, QBs, kickers and other key players…Soccer is the skinny in shape mans sport. Nuff said. I love both sports, but growing up soccer was my better sport since I was always short and never had the ambition to play football.

I know there are a few soccer players out there that can kick a football players ass

Or headbutt…

basically to sum it all up. take football players and have them play soccer players at there own game, outcome will be soccer players win. take soccer players and play them against football players, and the outcome might be surprising to most.

I have respect for the skill that soccer players have, but its fucking boring to watch, and I don’t care much for sports where you get in trouble if you so much as bump into someone.

But as far as the horseshit you just posted above, I’d love to see Beckham try and come across the middle with James Harrison defending.

as long as beckham isnt harrison’s gf, i think he will be ok

What a joke, I would love to watch soccer players try to block 6’-6" 250lb defensive linebackers or bring down 6’-2" 240lb running backs… that might happen for a game of pickup but not in the NFL buddy :zzz:

And Id love to see a 6 foot 6 250lb defenseman defend a top striker, or see a 6 foot 2 240lb striker try to get around a top defenseman…

Semi’s are almost set

Germany vs Turkey

Russia vs (Italy/Spain)

This has been a great Euro UEFA Cup

Lets go ITALY!

yesterdays game with russia vs netherlands was really good. Glad russia won it.

You Spelled Italy Wrong DUMBASS


if you had a post deleted in this thread for any reason-- that should tell you that you are/were being a douche bag. i generally don’t delete anything. however, this was just pointless bullshit. go flame some fucking newbs or something.

not saying i like soccer to where im going to follow it, but at same time i don’t hate it like your high school history teacher/football coach hated it. as i can see the skill and athleticism it takes to play. so to each his own.

so if anyone else cluster fucks this thread up, i will be jacked.

how the hell you gonna delete my “ITILY” post :rofl:

Thanks man