Ever been on SON ... alone ?

hahaha, John gets the post of the month for sure!




… now thats a lot of shit!!

Holy shit…

Oh don’t get me wrong, just because I would go to the bathroom twice per shift it doesn’t mean I took shits all the time, sometimes I would be reading a performance magazine while just sitting there or I would chat it up with another employee who was also wasting company time lol. And if I had to take a shit before leaving my house I would hold it for work! …Why do it for free at home? You might as well get paid to do it at work…fucken right!..It’s also more economic you save money on toilet paper and water! If you add up all the money you spend on toilet paper and water for toilet use all year you will see it almost adds up to 4 450cc injectors!

The only thing that sucked about holding it for work if you you ever got stuck in some freak traffic jam then your screwed! It happened 2 or 3 times, oh man one time I thought I would have to change the drivers seat in my 240sx for sure lol, but I managed to make it each time! T-h-a-n-k you shoulder lane and side streets!

i find while taking a shit i like to read a james paterson novel and there chapters are small but books are realy good so i like to read 10-15 chapters at a time which takes 30 min or so then i try to get up but my legs have follon asleep and i once fell becuase of these big legs of mine so just imagine 250lb guy falling uncontrollably

LoL, this is the best thread ever, seriously

Thanks to Ahmed (rogerthat240 and me responding) teeheeheeheehee :smiley:

holly crap he got Permanently Banned LOL ???

poor guy,… you guys are so fucken cruel… lol

He was a little bit of an outsider but still everyone here jumped on him, it was like a fight between him and Mark and everyone jumped in for Mark lol. …ah that’s life.

Okay back to taking shits.

Does anyone buy any of that expensive 4 ply toilet paper that smells like baby powder and has alloy vera in it so it feels nice on your ass? That paper is the bomb, if anyone has it let me know, so I can come take a shit at your house!

LOL same shit i do where i work no pun intended, department store work FTW… different magazine each time… taking shits right before close are nice… readin Car and Driver or import tuner and skimping end of shift work… classic.

The only thing that beets taking a shit on company time is taking at shit on comapany time while getting paid for overtime work (time and a half) LOL

I am every employers nightmare Muhahahahahahahaha

Stick it to the man!

LOL :smiley:

if i took a shit during work theyd call it a pool fouling and close the pool down :stuck_out_tongue:

^^^^please tell me u dont work at the wave pool?

you also need to take in to consideration the amount of utilities saved by not taking shits at home. flushes, toilet paper, lighting etc.

I only shit at work…

Yes I’m that cheap


Except weekend of course…

Why is this…?

Most users ever online was 199, Mon, April 7th, 2008 at 05:54 AM.

that seems like a weird time for the 199 people to be on…

^Seems like some secret society ritual shit. 199 people at 5am? ON A MONDAY? So fishy…lol I’m really curious to know as well.

there has not been a friday night “im soioo drunkk rit now” post in a long time. i guess no one really is on SON late.

i dont think its possible

ive been on here at some random times (between 2 and 6am) on nights when nobody should be on here, back when i did chemo (new years, halloween, ect)

and i still wasnt the only one

Yeah, I’ve been wondering about this since I joined…

yea i think we need a special son afternoon to fix that…where everybody goes online at once…lol…monday 5am jsut doesnt look good on front page