Ever Die in a Dream?

i seem to have alot of zombie dreams. Im quite proficient on killing zombies BTW.

I dream almost everynight its crazy

And I feel bad for my gf because apparently I punch/elbow/kick when i dream and have left her bruises many times over because of it. Then i suddenly wake up to a roundhouse to the face from her :smash2:

2 weeks ago, Dream

I was in Iraq, walking around in the middle of the night I was on patrol, got cornered and was shot once in the face. I was not dead yet, I played dead as he hovered over me to see if i was still alive, after what seemed to be like 20 minutes he was out of sight and I stumbled back to the barracks and they were having a party… AND NO ONE GAVE A SHIT THAT I WAS JUST SHOT IN THE FACE, SO I kept walking through the barracks and out the other side, and eventually had no strength left, collapsed and passed out. Then I woke up and it was totally weird…

I also normally have fucked up dreams, almost every night. My most recent one I remember was I was in a very big open cement courtyard like thing. Something you would see in front of a very large company building, or like those cement courtyards you see in front of buildings in NYC. This was big and square and nothing but baron land around it, implying that it was out in the middle of no where. I was with my girlfriend and about 200 yards down, was a man dressed in glasses and a trench coat. very similar to this: :snky: except in tan. As I’m standing with my girlfriend the man walks within 50 yards and pulls out a pistol. Before we can react, he shoots her twice, in the chest and her head. I lay her down immediately and charge at the man, where he then shoves the gun under his chin and pulls the trigger. I walk back to my girlfriend and just break down.

On a lighter note, I also had a dream where I had to bash my moms head in with a paper weight because she was shooting at me :slight_smile: