Ever eat at kentucky greg's?

i dont even know, someone else drove and i wasnt paying attention.

there is one on george urban near the dmv like a block from suburban auto electric. The other one which isnt open yet is on southwestern near michael rd.

wait, wat? Like two blocks from my work? Like, I should go there @ 4 oclock?

ya dood, its like on ge urbon and dik. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve never seen it. :bloated:

where do you work?

been there forever too lol

I was commenting on your wonderful use of vernacular…not that I should talk :stuck_out_tongue:

at least 11 years

Salvation Army, in the walgreens plaza.

no, the :bloated: is aimed at me… lol

AND RIGHTFULLY SO!!! shakes fist :stuck_out_tongue:

:lolsign: poor bastard

cant wait for the one near me to open, dont get out to the other one much, too far.
plus BW’s is so close

Yeah thats right around the corner from you, actually i drove by your complex the other night and thought about you. Did you feel a tingle?

fuck i almost started sucking my own cock.

did you swear while you did it?

The Gumbo will fuck you up if you eat a decent amount :tup:


Grabbed a menu, and a bbq pork sammich… pretty damned tastey. Will have to grab the good stuffs another time.

Lee’s and Suzy-Q’s is greater than all above …