Every reason in the world NOT to street race

Honestly, this statement alone is enough that you should be banned from this thread. STFU and go sit in the corner for your complete lack of understanding of the law. There are countless ways to be charged with homicide without premeditation.

Anyway, I’m out of this thread since it’s clear it has become a complete and utter failure at it’s original goal of getting people to think about the risks with street racing… All the selfish and immature morons are going to continue to street race because they clearly have reasoned within their tiny little minds that this could never happen to them. All this despite having so many legal options to race.

SCCA autocross
SCCA rallycross
SCCA club racing
BMW CCA events @ Batavia Gocart Track
1/8th mile @ Lancaster
1/4 mile @ Leicester
1/4 mile @ TMP
Roadcourse @ TMP
Roadcourse @ Dunnville
Roadcourse @ Watkins
Roadcourse @ Beaverun
Roadcourse @ Mid Ohio
Roadcourse @ Mosport
Roadcourse @ Nelson Ledges

I can hear the excuses already. “Those all cost money”. “Those all take too much time”. “I just wanna go out and race”.

But yeah, putting other people at risk on a public street, and putting yourself and your family at risk for a huge financial and legal nightmare is fine. Ah, the selfishness of immaturity at it’s finest.
