Every reason in the world NOT to street race

lets argue some more about the law :walter:

bottom line Clark wants publicity, people need someone to blame, and the politically correct need something to tussle about like a bunch of rich housewifes with nothing else to do but debate useless causes just like this so unless there is going to be a complete change in this thread back to its original point i think it should be closed

agreed. shouldnt be doing 120 on transit anyways

this IS the problem.

the charges are stupid. especially if they were requested from the dead driver’s family.

anyways, they’ll never go through. he wont’ even go to jail. he just wont have a license for a very long time.

As awlays in this overly litigous society. Seeing this like this pisses me off. There is no common sense in the legal system or society these days. Everyone needs a scape-goat and wants to point the finger at someone. And if a media attn whore like Frank Clark can get some more pub and piss away more of our hard earned tax dollars in doing such that’ sexactly what he’s going to do.

Lets face it. Frank CLark is doing htis for HIMSELF. He’s not doing this for the good of society he doing it for attention and for a feather is his cap. I feel bad for this kid involved, He did something stoopid, something that almost everyojne on this board has done more than once. Somelese dieed because of their own stupidity and lack of driving ability, not this kid comes forward and admits he was the one radcing because he has a conscience and that’s what the police asked for. He knows he’s in trouble and the damage was done but he, admitting his mistake is owning up to what he did wrong. Now beacuse he cooperated and did what the police asked this is what they do? Try to get him for criminally neglant hommicide? Fuck cooperating with the police. This kid is a better human being then I because I wouldn’t have said shit, for this EXACT reason, What you can’t trust the cops and the DA’s office? NO shit!

this thread is about what could happen/the penalties if you street race and if someone dies as a result.

everything that has been posted in this thread is on topic. everyone already knows street racing is bad. :fyi:

The point is people need to take responsibility for their OWN actions and stop blaming everyone else, i.e Neon driver… FUCK>

right there wasnt any bickering back and forth of off topic bs (like this)

Wow thank you thats exactly my point!

sucks dosen’t it.

Would it have happened? Maybe, maybe not. Would he have gotten on it hard to show off? Maybe maybe not, would he have crashed, probably not but only the good lord knows that answer. We need to take responsiblity for our actions & not blame everyone else for every misfortune. He might have raced at the next light with someone else, crashed into another car & killed someone else not even involved with the race, which would be even more tragic. Should the kid be in trouble? Sure, pay a fine, yup, lose his license? absolutely! face jail time cuz he took part in a mutually agreed upon street race, & the other driver lost control of his car because of his own inexperience? I think not…
Think about this, If the other racer is responsible for the deaths, Maybe the moderators of this & all car club sites should be held accountable due to promoting a “Kills” section on their sites. Before saying “we don’t condone street racing” stop B.S.ing yourselves cuz everyone knows where 80% of these “kills” occur. It starts with us, I for one, have not street raced once since & will not street race again…


i was going to shut up because I think you are a great member of this board. now i remember seeing a vid of your “stag cruise” now lets say in this cruise chuck hit something or spun out during a pull.You should be charged with manslaughter then right? i also remember roads like transit in this cruise



we didn’t get up to any high speeds… it just looked like it because Onyx is agreat editor. Burnouts…yes but nobody got over 75-80 because there was no room to get up to that speed. Have you ever driven over 80?

I was going to respond to all the people who think the dealership is at fault but then I remembered they are all retarded. The kid was capable of driving he just wasn’t comfortable with a car with that much power so pull your heads out of your asses and then I will waste my time with you. The dealership did nothing wrong. Period.


Thats enough, this is way past the OP intent.