EVO Tuning?

People seem to miss the point…

Upstate NY is a small automotive community you can’t go around as a shop owner running your mouth…

STM is no AMS, Buschur and never will be…from this single thread I know STM lost a lot of potential customers.

Emery just invite more people to jump on your computer and post alternate views its rather interesting when posts keep coming from the same IP :lol: You having a special today? “COME TALK SHIT AND BACK US UP ON NYSPEED AND GET 10% OFF”

Nice lol

Nice Blee… cant wait to see that 35r next year :slight_smile:

Guys who hang out at the shop know what I’m talking about.

So who wants to tune my evo… yikes.

ik if i owned a business i would rather be selective with my customers then take every asshole retarded kid like on this site. come on dude sit back and think about if you would want to deal with every prick in your place?
nyspeed has a totaly dif attitude then roc.

if you needed surgery would you rather have a doctor that has 100% proof of recovery or one that seems nice and will learn on you?

I think your opinion is rather untrue.

One of the major issues is $$$$

AMS has it. Buschur has it! Its what makes them able to push forward and break new grounds.

Emery is an up and coming business. Dont discredit him on when you dont even know either party well @ all…

Again, feel free to look at the email I posted from AMS regarding Emery…

Some of you respect AMS…

Well AMS respects STM

Enough said


depends…do you want to go 12.5 or 10.5 in the 1/4 ???

choose wisely

lol V. drivererror

They didn’t just get money and a customer base by acting like dicks and running their mouths online…

Build a business then slip up…not the other way around…

Congrats he blew up a stock motor running it to the edge and breaking a record with no mechanism in place to verify the car was 100% stock?

Just remember that Emery pulled the trigger that started this shit storm by running his mouth and shit talking another shop. I understand shop pride and blah blah blah. Fact is that Emery is a fucking criminal and when it all catches up the tower will come crumbling down.

As far as work at Innovative I have had it all done there and I would send someone no where else. end of story.

LZ lol :highfive:

Why do you guys buy AWD rally cars to build 1/4 mile racers? Seems like a waste. :gotme:

And why do you keep picking something so heavily dependent on other variables as proof of a car’s tune? I’m sure I could hop in the RICER and peel of a blistering 15 second quarter mile…

i find it funny u say that when nyspeed is the kings of saying “well my et wasnt the best but my mph was up there so according to my mph the car should go…xxx time”

so you r V. drivererror doesnt apply:touchy:

'Nuff said.

I’d rather not have the one learning.

To put this simply.

Innovative and STM both do dyno-tuning. You guy’s both build race cars, you guys both have a following of customers.

You both are running a BUSINESS. Emery I’m sorry, I’m a big fan of your work but to come out and blatantly be rude like that isn’t “telling it how it is”; It’s being an assfuck. Regardless of if your building “fast” cars or not, you are still a BUSINESS. Be professional. Just because you don’t wear a suit doesn’t mean you don’t have to be polite and courteous.

You’re making yourself look like a pompous douchebag to one of your customer bases, to be honest I think you’d be better off coming up with some sort of apology, backing off and keeping your opinion to yourself and close co-workers.

Come on down have the 1st year med student perform a transplant :lol: don’t worry he is getting better!

sounds like you know emery personaly? you did say you know him and have met him before rite? did he do something to you?

oh thats rite you never have. your going off of hear say. wow so taking your word on where to go is very credible.

These guys? All are using the same computer, I assume at the STM shop:

Gleason at STM

You guys (Innovative & STM) can both run your businesses the way you want, that’s not my problem. But this thread is over.

My advice to anyone looking for a shop or someone to tune your car; always ask around for opinions but be aware that everyone is biased in some way.

wait, what?

im talking about that STI where the owner ran a 12.5 or whatever, then someone else (emery?) knocked off a 10.x in it…

someone correct me if im wrong