Excel Masters enter here

I need some help with this if anyone knows off hand how to do it.

If there is a way to do it without using a Macro, great. If not then such is the case.

Heres the problem:

I need to lookup multiple dimensions to bring back the part # of the smallest available set of dimensions from another table. So each table will have:
Gauge | Width | Length
However the second table will also have a part # at the end of it. I want to start at gauge, find a matching gauge, then starting at that row on the next column look up the next width that fits the width of the original, and so on until it returns only the part # from the the second table.

So bascially I need it to go through and find the smallest available sheet to fit the dimensions of the part cutsize on it.

If I’m not explaining this properly, I’ll post up a screenshot of example tables so you see what I mean. If anyone can help out, I greatly appreciate it. I’m sure that there has to be something in excel to do this easily. I just can’t find it.

currently writing the code now in VB

This thread is for people who are willing to HELP. Not be JERKS.

oh wait…

“Paulo” (5:19:24 PM): for real?
micah (5:19:33 PM): def not
“Paulo” (5:19:38 PM): slut