
mabey they should just build a real bridge there and tear down the twin bridges b/c they suck

What’s wrong with the twin bridges? 3 lanes one way, 3 lanes another way. Good enough.

It’s not the bridge, it’s the people on the bridge.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who picked the last option


See i think at first its gonna suck ass but then once everyone gets use to it i think it will work out better than it it right now

? What’s the issue here?

It’s an intersection controlled by a traffic light. Green means go. Red means stop. What’s so complicated?

The current 2 intersections suck.

The fact that people are stupid, this design reminds me of something you see in like, India. Gonna be a disaster for a long time til people get used to it me thinky

I hope this makes the flow of traffic easier because I hate sitting in the traffic there every morning on my way to work!

says it won’t be ready for a couple of years anyway…

:facepalm There’s nothing to screw up. Turn lanes, straight lanes, red, yellow green.

except for the fact that we have horrible drivers that have no clue how to drive properly in the first place :ahh

You’re telling me some old piece of shit isn’t going to get into the 87 on-ramp lane and decide to go straight instead, in which case the person coming fromt he opposite way will plow directly into said old fuck and perish.


That’s precisely what I’m saying.

Looks like a better concept than they have now, and at least it’s not another damn traffic circle.

eh I think that’s just a rumor because everyone sees between exit 6 & 5 that theres 4 lanes. The 4 lanes between 5&6 is temporary for the construction of the new bridge/intersection.

Traffic circles are actually VERY good if dumbass drivers (not talking about you lol) knew how to use them. The reason why you probably hate them is because of the idiots who don’t know how utilize them.

I’m telling you. As a European, the US should take a look at how Europe does it.

It’s not only the people that don’t know how to use them.
For instance, the one on Sand Creek - it is followed by a traffic light.
So, if the light is red, the whole circle gets backed up.
Is there really that much traffic coming out of Colonie Towers that the light can not be removed?
Is there really that much traffic going in and out of the mall that you needed a circle to keep it moving?

I actually love the circles in Malta, if you know how to use them it’s like running red lights every time you get to one.

It’s the people that actually think they have to come to a stop before entering the circle that piss me the fuck off.

Yep. I use the one in Latham (not the one near Hoffmans, the one near Latham Ford near Agness St. or whatever) quite a bit and I never stop. I’m in and out of that sucked in 5 seconds.