Construction between exit 11+12 on rt9

always wanted to know, its been like two years now, what is going on there? its right off rt9.

Yeah I’ve been wondering this as well.

I weaved in and out of the cones on the SMR on my way to Americade. One of the workers gave me the finger. Not sure what his deal was… :lol

Probably more traffic circles. But I have no Idea.

its for the new exit off the northway .for the tech park .and more circles lololol

i dont mind the circles, i think theyre a great design, it’s just the old people/retards that don’t know how to use them that gives them a bad rep

My theory on the big push for traffic circles is so politicians have more space (The center of the circle) to load up their campaign signs come election time.

hahaha could be, could be

But I dont mind them too much except off exit 12 where theres about a dozen of them in a row.