I’m not going to drive for it, but I do like the sauce and I also don’t want a DUI - I’m all for it. Converse to Josh, I saw an immediate increase in taxis in prime areas - specifically Allen. (“you mean we have to work and try to be competitive now??”)
I have heard one horror story from a driver about someone trying to go to canada and refusing to get out of his car, and another asked as soon as I got in if I was trying to go to canada. Apparently thats a common request?
My management is excited to not have to rent a car when they come to town for a day of Ingram meetings. Havent used Lyft locally yet but out of the couple drivers I have asked only 1 was also a Lyft driver and the ratio of uber requests to lyft was something like 14 to 1.
I find Uber other places to be much better than Uber Buffalo which is much better than cabs in general, of which Buffalo cabs are some of the worst.
Their directions rely on driver-sourced data so they’re pretty rough right now. Lyft especially. They’ll improve over time. They also don’t have UberPool/ Lyft Line yet, not sure if it’s regulatory or just rolling out one product at a time. Also, Lyft can’t give you exact pricing yet since they’re still gathering data.
I have the Uber pass in San Diego where you pay $20 a month and then you can take a $3 shared Uber or $5 UberX anywhere in the city. Basically the best thing ever for someone trying not to drink and drive. Otherwise I prefer Lyft as they are usually a little cheaper and treat their drivers better. Also seems to be a more friendly experience. Hope they get their shit together here.
Whoooo ray!!! I can contribute with first hand experience.
Now, let’s first state that Richard Krant isn’t a big drinker as he’s busy as fuck. I think I’ve had a drink last around Christmas time.
Anyways, Richard went out with some friends and had some gin and tonics. Richard left and knew he wasn’t wasted but shouldn’t be driving his buzzed ass from Buffalo to Eden. Richard downloaded the über app. Car was RIGHT there. Richard got in with James and James’s woman. Richard thought maybe this is going to end up with him being murdered in a field off Tift??? Sorry to disappoint but Richard arrived home in about 20 minutes. James asked “How long have you been using Uber?” “I literally downloaded it in the parking garage and this is my first time.” “We just started driving for the,Mathis weekend!”
Ride was $27. Tip was a crisp $20. James, the driver, was quite thrilled. Richard got out of the car and somehow was more buzzed than when he got in the car??? Richard wanted another drink. Local bar in Eden was long since closed. Booooo. Richard wanted some cold left over pizza. Jr must have gotten to it as no pizza left in fridge. Buzzed Richard dare not try and make anything in his current state so he went to bed and typed this on his tablet.
If if anyone finds a gray A4 downtown, please burn it to the ground.
So, $27 for the ride, $20 tip, no DWI, and hopefully some crackhead steals the A4. Not a bad way to be.
Yup, I couldn’t believe it either. Money well spent in my eyes. I remember asking before we started off if they were going to kill me-like I said, I was feeling pretty buzzed but not one of those annoying asshats that’s all loud and obnoxious. They assured me they weren’t murders. Then they asked me if I was a murderer. It should be noted I was wearing salmon boat shoes, khaki shorts, and a stripped shirt… Then we all laughed and set off. Also, the A4 wasn’t stolen, boooooooo.
Not in Buffalo, but I’ve used Uber a lot in other cities.
Decent trip I had was from the Detriot airport to my house which is about 48 miles. This normally takes just over an hour to drive. Lady was totally crazy, starts off with a “hi nice to meet you!” and two seconds into the drive starts telling me about how her husband died and she is doing this because she needs the money. I was going to try to sleep on the ride, because it was late ~1am, but with her blabbering on about her life being such a mess, I wanted to ensure if she took me to a field to be robbed and beaten at least i’d see it coming. Made it home safe and sound for ~$42.
I’ve taken several in Texas, all great experiences with friendly people.
I’ve heard something similar, but maybe that was a few years ago. From the website:
Can I tip my driver with the app?
You are free to tip and drivers are free to accept.
You can tip your driver at the end of your trip through the app. When prompted to provide a rating, first select a rating for your driver and then you will be given the option to add a tip as well.
You may also tip on a past trip through the app, on riders.uber.com, and from your emailed trip receipt.
In the past they hadn’t given the option of tipping, because the whole point of the app is that the price is all inclusive. You pay what’s on the screen. I think pressure from Lyft has changed that, since Lyft had tipping and drivers were preferring that.
They shouldn’t allow tipping and just make it all inclusive in a single price…
It’s pretty funny everyone pushes this as “way to make extra money” or “work on your own schedule” when Uber has its end goal of self driving cars and taking human drivers out of the equation.
Zero impact on our business other than maybe a bit more positive experience because now we don’t have to fight with ignorant cab drivers who attempt to run over employees. And we don’t have people waiting 40 minutes for a cab company then asking our staff to drive them somewhere…
My impression was that we didn’t have enough cabs in our area. And the ones we had in this area were mostly terrible. It took months to find a quality cab driver at one of our client accounts; someone we could rely on to show up on time, have a clean car, good customer experience, etc. Now it’s easy.
I wish they had better indicators on the cars to show which were UBER vehicles though. There is a window thing but some don’t have it on their car it seems.