Explosives on airplanes.

No thanks… :shaggy:

When the person who keeps doing it decides to discuss it with me, I will calm down. :slight_smile:

All this bullshit is over Jews not having a homeland and US being a world super power, helping the Jews squat in the middle east. Thats a pretty beat circle of violence to be in the middle of. I’d just like to know where Jews came from?! never took a world religions class in school…any experts out there?

The jews came from thier mother, just like everyone else.

Google it fuckhead

dont turn every thread into a pissing match & it will stop!

by the way,which mod would u like a pm from!cause its not just one!:wink:

next post bitching =:ban: have a nice day!

:owned: by and old man on a friday afternoon. that’s just a bad start for a weekend. :smiley:

Fuck that, put more over here… we dont really have a need over there at this point. I would say drop a nuke… but that will just make things worse:drama:

It can start with a PM from you. Thanks have a nice day!

:hahano: I’ve been getting fucked over for several days now, so the weekend I’m sure won’t be any different.

:drama: :drama: :drama: :drama: :drama: :drama:

from the original drama queen.


,really f@gg0rt$



good gracious your a tard.

World war 3 has already started, only going to get worse

The jews are there because they won a war and now it’s theirs, now the arabs expect them to just give it back, don’t think so.



x2 :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
“We got motherfuckin snakes!” ROFL