So i have this 500GB western digital external hdd that just took a crap, It clicks when you power it up. I called WD and it is 3 months out of warranty and they could not do anything for me besides giving me a few % off a new one at msrp…
Just wondering if there is a way to fix it before throwing it out or using it as a coaster
yeah… throw it in a plastic zip loc bag and put it in the freezer for 3-5 hours or so… Have your PC on and ready to plug it back in and copy the data off as quickly as you can.
yeah… throw it in a plastic zip loc bag and put it in the freezer for 3-5 hours or so… Have your PC on and ready to plug it back in and copy the data off as quickly as you can.
I actually got all the data off it wish I was lucky to, I noticed something was fishy when it would no longer let me transfer data to it but it did let me transfer from it. After i saved all my info rebooted the comp and the external started ticking
lol at the freezer idea, I don’t understand how that works but cool
is it the power unit on it or the hdd itself, could I put an different harddrive in the enclosure?
Tear it open, the harddrive inside itself should be like a 5 year warranty… they should replace that at the very least… Interms of getting the shit off your harddrive… might be a rough one
most WD externals only come with a 1 year while their other hdds come with 3 and 5 years… bs i say
I got all of my data off of it before it crapped
Yes, it is crap, but theyre going to know that the serial # drive in there was in a external enclosure, thus you had the 1 year on and and obviously had to open it to remove the drive so your warranty if you had one is now void…
Yes, it is crap, but theyre going to know that the serial # drive in there was in a external enclosure, thus you had the 1 year on and and obviously had to open it to remove the drive so your warranty if you had one is now void…
Well thats how Hitachi works anyways…
the internal SN is 99% of the time the external SN… so they track one SN for the device