failing hdd

anyone good with recovering files from a dying hdd?

i tried the freezer with no luck so far…

describe “failing” and how much is the data worth to you? not money but content

windows indicates a hard disk failure on boot and it wont show up in explorer. the drive is also clicking randomly

i just want to salvage a few gigs of pictures (puppy + house) and some random projects if possible. not worth sending it out for hundreds of bucks though

I can “try” for you when i get back from California (Vacation) next week. I come home Monday.

If I can’t get anything, you don’t owe me a dime. PM me for what I usually charge… it’s not too bad. I have some good tools I can use to try and get your data. Just turn it off for now and don’t do anything else to it :slight_smile:

freezer trick is a last resort…

Use spinrite

if you care about your data. stop applying power to it and send it to a professional.