extreme hangovers...


i keep outdrinking it. joel > chaser

when i get hungover… i smoke pot… then drink a SHITLOAD of gatorade, dont take pills, or eat, well crackers and bread is ok, but gatorade… and take a centrum before you start drinking because hangovers are not just dehydration but a depleation of vitamins, C being the most important, OJ helps also!!!

www.erowid.org everything you need to know about everything

wtf is it with pot an hangovers? whatever happend to gettin shitfaced an getting t-hots from louies afterwards

Or we can go way back to high school and all go to dennys…

if thats the case shouldnt we go get some robotussin then too? I never really thought of louies being highschool ish.

so who else besides me eat 47 slices of pizza, 16 burgers, and 9 hot dogs from the hot dog stand on the corner of chippewa when theyre trashed. :uhh:

holy shit. all in one night? i’m actually kinda impressed…

fuck yeah dude. howie knows whats up

oh and thurs night i managed to “go in” on 2 bottles of UV with 2 others
managed to only spend 5 bucks and paid for 4 bottles of soda water.

you = pussy

after my 12th triple jack in an hour the bartender refused to give me more…

so I found another bartender who would :tup:

I was decently hammered…

yeah, i eat with the fury of 3 fat fucks when i am that drunk. its horrible.

oh wow look at you you big bad man. do you want a fucking cookie?

christ, let me blow you, your so fucking bad ass…


you have no clue how b/a I am

To cure my hangovers I eat babies. All the essential nutrients in one bite size package :tup:

I’ve seen Dex eat 14 3 cheese nacho burritos in one sitting to the point where he couldn’t function…but its still nowhere near that…so tup to you my friend…tup

haha thats gross. but seriously the one night i went to the square, drank like 8 or 9 beers, had 2 bbq pork sandwiches and a hot dog. went to liars, drank a bunch of shots of soco lime, like another 7-8 beers, went outside to the la nova stand and ate 2 slices of pizza. went back to liars drank some more, came out near the end of the night, had like 3 hot dogs and a burger i think? maybe it was more then that but i was so drunk i cant even remember. god i felt like a fat gross pig the next day. :crap:

ugh i just woke up

its always a rough couple months when fahertys has octoberfest on tap :tspry:

my head is throbbing now… god damn i don’t remember last night,…

pot settles upset stomachs, eases headaches, feeds the poor, rescues children from burning buildings, etc.

Das reef is my hero.

ok so pot has offically been noted in my book as the next miracle drug/societys savior… there has to be a way to legally market this…

14? gtfo. i’ve only him seen him eat 3.

You are totally my hero. :tup: