extreme hangovers...

8/10ths of it in the bank niiiaaaaa… i had to buy tires for the cackord :slight_smile:

i need wheels and body work for the bimmer :wink: come out if your still in the area…

a girl that says dudebro is a girl on her way towards being cool in my book

i tend to say siiiqqq too.

and i am pretty awesome.

haha, when I was at the warped tour when I was like 10 some guy had some funny hand motion for that. pinky and index finger up like the rock on sign, then ring, middle finger, and thumb touch eachother. then whenever one of your friends lands a trick, you both put your hands like that and pull away and open your hand and say “siiiqqqq”

ah, to be young again. that dude was weird.

ahahahaha. that fuckin rules.

rotgut FTL

Rolling Rock was made for hangovers.
It is the best cure for hangovers.

has anyone ever used those chaser “anti hangover” pills? Oh if youre goin to puke i always found it helpful to drink cold water before i heave, makes puking a little more tolerable

hmm, i’ll have to try that. i seldom puke these days, but still happens once in a while

and i’m serious about the ganja. think about it. when you’re hungover:

head huuurts (weed relieves that. its actually used to reduce the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy)
stomach hurts (weed settles the stomach. medical fizzact)
no appetite (weed makes you hungry, and when you eat, you feel better)

i know people who dont even smoke weed normally, who do to cure a hangover. i quit for months at a time every once in a while, with hangovers being the only time I come out of retirement.

I just like to sleep it off. wake up. water. sleep.

On my birthday…i was in disney world. i was suppossed to go to animal kingdom the next day. BUT pleasure island got the best of me.

I was in bed, calling my mom, telling her to come take care of me (she was in NY), moaning, crying, sleeping. I will never drink that much again.


hahaha oh man. i still remember talking to you that day. i thought you were going to die. it was great. :lol:


my super secret formula for success is BEFORE i go out, i pop a megaman multivitamin and drink a good amount of water.

Then the next day i still wake up feeling fucking HORRIBLE. And i start to plan on how im going to blow up the SoCo factory so it never happens again :tup:

nah but really what i said works pretty damn good for me. and i get pretty annihilated when i go out. :angel:

great. im out of smokes. and im drunk as shit.


i shit you not CHASER works, very well, use it

I tried Chaser and all it did was delay my hangover about 4 or 5 hours.
I thought I was in the clear and then got sick as hell a few hours later.

I used chaser in fredonia once, and got stupid drunk. possbily more drunk than i have ever beeen.

It works. really well.

Funny thing is ive said that many many times before ,

I say that pretty much after every time i drink :frowning:

i take an assload of vitiman C,pepto,imodium,eat a greasy ass cheese burger,then take a shower and take a lil nap. i usually feel fine when i wake up.

this is only after @ least a case(24) that i need this

but serious brain damage
