F&CK Buffalo and all the H8TERS

wow why such hate from formulals1?

you sound like a huge douchebag, whine some more faggot.


I have been involved and in several altercations where we were out numbered and all ended in our favor. I have also witnessed some brawls that the dude was so drunk, he puked on the guy beating his ass. I hate drunks and 99% of the people DT are just that. You dont see that shit in T.O.


seriously , fucking move there and get out of here already…you mention this in every thread youre in. TO is sweet as shit, im actually leaving work today early to go up there for the weekend,…but there are still shitty drunks in EVERY city…it happens.

edit: and in your defense because numerous people said to stay off chipstrip…attn: everyone - Prespa is on Delaware by Edward…not chippewa.


So, your calling me an attention whore? Please…


Yup, maybe it’s time for a NYSpeed Poll.


why else would u have a viper?? i mean come on…

i got my car b/c it was the nicest i could afford that was domestic and fast, and b/c it would catch people’s attention.

it’s just how it goes.

[quote=“K Cuv,post:63,topic:31310"”]

seriously , fucking move there and get out of here already…you mention this in every thread youre in. TO is sweet as shit, im actually leaving work today early to go up there for the weekend,…but there are still shitty drunks in EVERY city…it happens.

edit: and in your defense because numerous people said to stay off chipstrip…attn: everyone - Prespa is on Delaware by Edward…not chippewa.


Wow, you know where prespa is, congrats fag.


why else would u have a viper?? i mean come on…

i got my car b/c it was the nicest i could afford that was domestic and fast, and b/c it would catch people’s attention.

it’s just how it goes.


How typical. I guess ALL car owners and enthusiasts who own something out of the ordinary are attention whores…yes NEWMAN, this means you too…ridiculous :2fingers:

formulals1 is relentless today! JEESH!


does Marcus have a “long island blow-out” hair style?

FWIW, it was a vodka tea, i was done with it and saw yer whip out front i thought maybe Burt Reynolds was there, i didnt like his last film, pretty weak for The Burt. My bad though, i hope the stains came outta yer dress though.




This guy said it all right there. Seriously, if you love your car so much just don’t park it near people. Anytime I park my car somewhere, I park it as far away from civilization as possible (I have a WRX, no Viper here). When I go anywhere downtown (Sabres games, TITS, bars, etc.) I park at my office and hike it cause I don’t want my car to get touched/dinged/barfed on/etc.

Just my $0.02.


Wow, you know where prespa is, congrats fag.


are you retarded? i know you know where it is…i said in your defense…because everyone else on the board keeps telling you to stay off chipstrip when its not really close to chippewa.


yea forgot.


How typical. I guess ALL car owners and enthusiasts who own something out of the ordinary are attention whores…yes NEWMAN, this means you too…ridiculous :2fingers:


No, just those who repeatedly park in front of bars and continue to make posts about how there car got f’d with…

1st time is incidental
2nd time is coincidental
3rd time is intentional

How many times will it take of you driving a Viper downtown to realize drunk people will do something disrespectful to your car?

[quote=“K Cuv,post:63,topic:31310"”]

edit: and in your defense because numerous people said to stay off chipstrip…attn: everyone - Prespa is on Delaware by Edward…not chippewa.


thats boarder line gayborhood

edit, and then he calls someone a fag… seems to be the other way around

[quote=“K Cuv,post:72,topic:31310"”]

…because everyone else on the board keeps telling you to stay off chipstrip when its not really close to chippewa.


Incident happen at Sky bar…which if I remember from a previous thread was where this same incident happened not to long ago…hence my post above…


thats boarder line gayborhood

edit, and then he calls someone a fag… seems to be the other way around


well duh. thats why marcus called me a fag…cause thats where we meet up! and i apply oils to his shirtless bod.

i dono what it is…the glasses just make him so mysterious i cant help it…

So would like driving the viper without a hood equate to going to the club without a shirt?


But you would have to have the windshield tinted like the pimp tints.

[quote=“K Cuv,post:63,topic:31310"”]

edit: and in your defense because numerous people said to stay off chipstrip…attn: everyone - Prespa is on Delaware by Edward…not chippewa.


I r uh wear.


^^ keep talking dousche


^^ keep talking dousche

