F&CK Buffalo and all the H8TERS

I dont want to see any dude with his shirt off…regardless of build…and to see it in a bar/club all sorts of prejudice stereotypes run through my head…


PS. My Jeep got keyed in Toronto


:word: my car got stolen in Tampa, backed into in Miami, God knows what all has happened in Chicago… You don’t want something to happen take public transportation


:lol: siq-pack


i lol’d


wait… so you really do roll around with your shirt off?


theres a few pics somewhere in older threads.


I have been to many different states and different countries. I would say I did experience much more than what is here locally.


No you haven’t because you would know better than to Park in front of a BAR [COLOR=Black][SIZE=2]its a magical little thing called common sense.[/COLOR][/SIZE]



theres a few pics somewhere in older threads.


on the right?



wait… so you really do roll around with your shirt off?

wow… thats so gay



This is getting stupid. I met Marcus a while ago and he seemed like a nicer guy than alot of other people I’ve met on nyspeed.

Also, I got dragged out to skyclub last night again and I’ve got to say, if someones drunk with no respect for people’s property, the idea of divebombing empty captain and cokes onto vehicles 3 stories down has got to start looking like a lot of fun.


Thats what you giving for driving up and down chip with your shirt off…


lol, i saw him at Prespa about a week ago… he had is shirt on… i was shocked


This is getting stupid. I met Marcus a while ago and he seemed like a nicer guy than alot of other people I’ve met on nyspeed.


way to come to mcmonkees last night ya jerk


His car was fucked up @ Skybar not prespa


Probably the most misread thread ever… but yes… skybar not prespa… car not getting fucked up at prespa but never would i park infront of skybar… ick


on the right?



lol, but actualyl this one: i’ll let you do the math. http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showpost.php?p=588125&postcount=108

in cali they don’t bother fucking with your car, they just steal it. so you’re lucky if you think about it.


way to come to mcmonkees last night ya jerk


FUCK. I seriously could not understand one word Geoff was saying!

[quote=“K Cuv,post:108,topic:31310"”]

funny pic


wow… just wow


lol, but actualyl this one: i’ll let you do the math. http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/showpost.php?p=588125&postcount=108


HA! long-island blow-out, i knew it!!!


in cali they don’t bother fucking with your car, they just steal it. so you’re lucky if you think about it.


In Soviet Russia, Viper spills drink on you?


In Soviet Russia, Viper spills drink on you?




lol, i saw him at Prespa about a week ago… he had is shirt on… i was shocked


Yeah, and you were wearing your grandpa’s golf shorts…you need to burn those.


Went to Presba last night, Darkkstar was spinning…I was very impressed with his talent. Good stuff man! Afterwards went to Skybar, parked the car right in front of the entrance where the bouncers check ID’S…no more than 20 minutes, had some fuckin drink spilled on the windshield again, and someone hit my passenger side mirror. Good thing the mirrors are retractable. I am going to start breaking some jaws starting this weekend. I am going to park my car and observe what people do and if anyone touches it…they are going to get more than the ever fucking bargained for. Hope you motherfuckers have good health insurance because you are going to be using it. /rant.:rant:



it was an open parking spot, doesnt matter where the location is. Shit like this doesnt happen in other cities like Chicago, Toronto…etc.



I’ve been with people who have parked relatively high profile cars in VIP right out of a club in DC and never had a problem…

I do tend to think a lot of this douchebaggery does have to do with the area.


All True!

I work at Skybar and now I park 4 blocks away on Washington becuase I was sick of assholes spitting on my car [see my thread about it]. Generally, this shit isn’t as prevelant in the club/entertainment districts of other cities. Buffalo just has a large asshole demographic that likes to hang out on Chip bc the bar owners there are just as sleezy and let them.

My advice stick to Prespa, Coulter Bay, Allen, Elmwood etc where you can park your car out front and feel a bit more confident that no one will fuck with it. Park it anywhere near the “chip strip” and its inevitable someone is going to mess it up.