F*ckin theives

Someone tried very poorly to jack my old ass radio outa my car.

I doubt it happened at home, because I had alot of shit still in its place in my car this morning, but I noticed that my deleteplate under my radio(had a double din style OEM, but replaced with 1 din aftermarket) was cracked up and I noticed that my radio was pulled out on the passengerside…

sigh I donno if it happened at my buddies in Donora last night or what. I left the windows down there, but locked the car up and put the windows up last night… at least I though I locked it… I had like 4 gamecube games, tons of software, 2 GC controllers and tons of CDs still in their place…

My guess was they were after the radio only… must have been some kids that tried with their hands, the center console looks untouched, no signs of a screw driver.

Guess its time to start theft proofing my car… :scared:

dude, that sucks

assholes like that need shot

ahh well, I just dont want to ahve to pay for a new radio right now… esp since school payments are kicking in now…

Im thinking it was some kids that did it…

ill get the lead pipe!!!

welcome to my world

sucks dom, I know how that goes.:frowning:

yeah, well my car is cleaned out of anything usefull… fuck i might as well gut the interior since its leather and some theif might want it…