Stupid ppl

Someone stole my buddys MP3 player from his car. thats all the stole they riped the whole damn car apart and could nto find anything else to steal but the mp3 player. they checked his trunk i guess hoping he had a system and to there suprise nothing was there. he went down to the police station today to tell and do the poilice thing so more than likly he’s down a MP3 player so it sucks. buddy live at Cal U and lives there so if you find or here anyone trying to pawn or sale a MP3 player more than likly it’s his. just thought i say i hate stupid ppl and there evil.

brand? model? distinguishing characteristics?

hmm don’t know, i’ll ask him tomarrow.

thats weird. i just bought an MP3 player from this guy that said he broke into a car at CalU south of Pittsburgh and stole it.

that sucks for him, but he’s never gonna find who stole it…


damn u I was suppose to buy that off the guy this saturday.

one thing i can’t understand …why bother to steal a radio, etc… the street value ain’t shit anymore…now that you can get stuff brand new for dirt cheap.

Someone stole just the faceplate of my buddies cd player once, real useful.