f**king cops man ..LOL

i wonder what this guy was thinking??

LOL! his commentary made me laugh…

thaaattsss my penis…

second video haha.


Thread saved.

HAHA…nice. true thread saver.

“That’s mah penis…”


second video is the BEST!! lol

LOL that was jokes!

Second video is so old. First video was good lol.



VG-2 Interceptor was the first device developed for this purpose, although more current technology such as the Spectre III (Stalcar in Australia) is now available. [1] This form of “electronic warfare” cuts both ways and since detector-detectors use a similar superheterodyne receiver, many early “stealth” radar detectors are equipped with a radar-detector-detector-detector circuit, which shuts down the main radar receiver when the detector-detector’s signal is sensed, thus preventing detection by such equipment. This technique borrows from ELINT surveillance countermeasures. In the early 1990s, BEL-Tronics, Inc. of Ontario, Canada (where radar detector use is prohibited) found that the local oscillator frequency of the detector could be altered to be out of the range of the VG-2 Interceptor. This resulted in a wave of detector manufacturers changing their local-oscillator frequency. Today, practically every radar detector on the market is immune to the VG-2 Interceptor[citation needed].

The Spectre III detected almost every radar detector certified for operation in the United States by the Federal Communications Commission as of December 2004. However counter technology has evolved rapidly, so that by July 2008, the even budget radar detectors were able to avoid detection by the device.[2]

lol first vid was funny too.

They actually had a detector detector that detected my detector… mother fuckers.

Haha it’s the guys fault though, his pants were riding lowwwww.

^ x2, maybe if his cock wasn’t where his belly button should’ve been under that clothing, he wouldn’t have been felt up.

haha thats my penis. Great vid

That Spectre III shit that scored me $170 ticket and cost me a detector.

I put the detector in my pocket since they have no probable cause to search me but he was going to get a warrant to do so.

When it he pointed to the detector I should have said “its mah penis.”