Whenever there is potential of a new car going on my policy the insurance company is notified of the potential change. They state that I will be covered from that point on but I must present valid proof of ownership before the beginning of the next billing period. Once I get authorization that this has been completed, I can take my existing insurance slip to the MTO office at any point in time to insure my new car (if I get it)
If I don’t notify them, take my insurance slip and put insurance on it through the MTO, then get into an accident, my insurance company will not cover me.
This way, if I decide to purchase a car on a Thursday evening or Saturday morning lets say. I can still get plates from most MTO offices at those times even though my Insurance company is closed.
Character is important when you’re dealing with anyone… not with 600+ people from past and on other boards.
When people look at me and decide to treat me like a kid because of how I look, that’s when I decide that they are not going to get my business and walk away. If I were just an onlooker to the same situation, I would decide on the spot that that person is not worth my business, and walk away. The seller has just lost two potential sales. That’s how most people think my friend.
Now you just gave attitude to someone on public boards for everyone to see at a small objection to your character. What would you do if someone full on attacked you verbally? What if you had a disagreement on price or problems with the car when your buyer came to look at it? What if someone bought this car and realized on their drive home that it wasn’t what they expected. How would you act if they came back to you to question you about it? How would you act if they came back period?
I understand where u are coming from. This member has gone past the point though, when u begin to make shit up and tell a whole community, thats just wrong. And this is not the first time!!! Im not the customer service guy at the local store to take shit and not say anything about it, i will say what i have to say.