F1 in Monaco

Well as we all know the Monaco Grand Prix is the tightest track on the circut and there is virtually no room for passing, or so you may think.
To start off Yarnue Trulli had pole position with Jenson Button not far behind ready to show their stuff to one another, unfortunatley Button had a back start and before he knew it he was 4th.
The race action began on lap 5 with Sato ( BAR ) engines blowing on a corner point sending a huge cloud of blinding white smoke in the air making it impossible to see. Soon cars were smashing into one another such a Fischecella flying over the back of David Coultard taking him out of the race.
Out of a potential 20 car grid line up only 10 remained after 33 laps.
As I said before Monaco is the tightest track for passing and most drivers do take that into consideration realizing that their is NO sand or grass to go on to but solid concrete.
Renaults Fernado Alonso found this out far too well as he tried to pass Ralf Schumaker while going through the tunnel at 265kms on the outside having his car smash into the wall and almost disintigrate aswell as colide with Ralf head on, luckily Ralf pounded the brakes and Alsono slided to the left of him leaving debrite all over the track.
But that isn’t even the good part yet, I like Alonso but as Ralf drove by Alonso gives him the finger as to say this was all your fault! That my friend is far beyond called for, Ralf did nothing but stay in the proper lane while Whiley Coyote here gives a huge ballsy move and then pays the price.
While the pace car is out for a few laps another crash under the tunnel happens, this time Michael Schumaker is the victom. When they go through the replay you see the pace car then Michael then all of a sudden his left front tire locks up and he turns right in which Montoya is right behind. Montoya tries to swerve and miss him but instead bumping Micheal from behind sending him into the wall crushing his suspension.In th replay that they showed over 5 times you could see that Montoya was trying his best to sneak by and not be hit by Michael. In the end Michael was out and he headed strait for the F1 Comissonners to wine and cry probably.
Now with Trulli in 1rst and Button in 2nd with 5 laps to go, you wouldn’t believe the pace between these too. In 5 laps to 2 laps the time between them went from 6.3 seconds to 1.5seconds on the final lap with traffic holding up in certain places, it was knuckle bitting but Jarnue Trulli won his 1rst ever Grand Prix Championship and the best part is that he won in his hometown.

Here is some facts about F1 that you may not already know

Ralf Schumaker is in talks with Toyota for 2005, Toyota want to try to do the the same as what Michael has done for Ferrari, but remember there brothers not twins.

Mclaren will release there newly revamped mp4-19 in the next 2 weeks, with a new engine mechanic over looking all errors in the past.

Jacque Villenouve may be joing the Williams team by June 13th in Montreal, most likely replacing Ralf.

Definatly a good race.Highly injoyable.Hopefully Mclaren’s new car will actually perform.I’m very pleased with Trulli’s results.Glad to see him finally win a race

Once again I missed it…I’ll watch it at 7 tonight, sounds like a crazy race. To bad Michael couldn’t break the record. 6 wins in a row right of the bat would have been awesome.

Well as we all know the Monaco Grand Prix is the tightest track on the circut and there is virtually no room for passing, or so you may think.
To start off Yarnue Trulli had pole position with Jenson Button not far behind ready to show their stuff to one another, unfortunatley Button had a back start and before he knew it he was 4th.
The race action began on lap 5 with Sato ( BAR ) engines blowing on a corner point sending a huge cloud of blinding white smoke in the air making it impossible to see. Soon cars were smashing into one another such a Fischecella flying over the back of David Coultard taking him out of the race.
Out of a potential 20 car grid line up only 10 remained after 33 laps.
As I said before Monaco is the tightest track for passing and most drivers do take that into consideration realizing that their is NO sand or grass to go on to but solid concrete.
Renaults Fernado Alonso found this out far too well as he tried to pass Ralf Schumaker while going through the tunnel at 265kms on the outside having his car smash into the wall and almost disintigrate aswell as colide with Ralf head on, luckily Ralf pounded the brakes and Alsono slided to the left of him leaving debrite all over the track.
But that isn’t even the good part yet, I like Alonso but as Ralf drove by Alonso gives him the finger as to say this was all your fault! That my friend is far beyond called for, Ralf did nothing but stay in the proper lane while Whiley Coyote here gives a huge ballsy move and then pays the price.
While the pace car is out for a few laps another crash under the tunnel happens, this time Michael Schumaker is the victom. When they go through the replay you see the pace car then Michael then all of a sudden his left front tire locks up and he turns right in which Montoya is right behind. Montoya tries to swerve and miss him but instead bumping Micheal from behind sending him into the wall crushing his suspension.In th replay that they showed over 5 times you could see that Montoya was trying his best to sneak by and not be hit by Michael. In the end Michael was out and he headed strait for the F1 Comissonners to wine and cry probably.
Now with Trulli in 1rst and Button in 2nd with 5 laps to go, you wouldn’t believe the pace between these too. In 5 laps to 2 laps the time between them went from 6.3 seconds to 1.5seconds on the final lap with traffic holding up in certain places, it was knuckle bitting but Jarnue Trulli won his 1rst ever Grand Prix Championship and the best part is that he won in his hometown.

Here is some facts about F1 that you may not already know

Ralf Schumaker is in talks with Toyota for 2005, Toyota want to try to do the the same as what Michael has done for Ferrari, but remember there brothers not twins.

Mclaren will release there newly revamped mp4-19 in the next 2 weeks, with a new engine mechanic over looking all errors in the past.

Jacque Villenouve may be joing the Williams team by June 13th in Montreal, most likely replacing Ralf.

Definatly a good race.Highly injoyable.Hopefully Mclaren’s new car will actually perform.I’m very pleased with Trulli’s results.Glad to see him finally win a race

Once again I missed it…I’ll watch it at 7 tonight, sounds like a crazy race. To bad Michael couldn’t break the record. 6 wins in a row right of the bat would have been awesome.