F1 tuning claims 30% hp increase, 40% tq increase, you believe it?

I know your name

Daveb Rown?

oohh noooo, everyone knows me and 4735492857947348957498579345874395784894358934895948358973489574953485734589348957439578439057345783495749307593405789340579403579034504375043579435703450345703475483759043598345783489 other people in this worlds name, what am I gonna do??? lol jk, but seriously have you ever looked at how many David Browns there are? A fucking million.

I remember looking at your CL ad after the accident
you can find built 1g’s for around 6k these days

Yea lol, I got like 3487238740283 emails and a million calls on that shit when I listed it, I was actually surprised… and I cant find any, I’ve seen a couple of talons on ebay but they always take them off before the end of the auction.

I bid on this car a couple weeks back and got a second chance offer but becuase I dont have anymore triple A tows and becuase of the rpm problem I couldnt drive it back so I gave up… This car would have been a STEAL for the money.



lmfaaooo, dude I wud def use this if it was a little cleaner and after numbers were blue and green like other dyno sheets hahahahahahahahahaha

yeah that is a steal, you could make that money back easily if you part it and sell the head/block/fuel system.

1g’s are nice but i would put a built 4g63/shep trans/6262 in this and do work :thumbup

:rofl :rofl :rofl

you would :rofl :rofl :rofl

I love it, I need you to figure out a way to sell my minivan :rofl :rofl :rofl

:excited wow f1 tuning FTW

lmfao, never in a million yrs bro… Speed is a big factor into a car, but I need it to be at least ssoommeeewhat cunt worthy and that thing above is def not lolol.

Bro, give me details, a couple pictures and drop the van off and ill have that shit sold in less then a week…

FUCK yeah, slam it on Celica Supra wheels and call it a fucking day

Mike/wrecko. Damn, havent heard that name in FOREVER. I sold him my ex’s blazer. We had a shop look at it, said the trans was COOKED. I think I sold it on APG, he came and got it (in the spyder to be exact). Sold it CHEAP. Like $700, blue book was like $2500 in “fair” condition or something like that. Talked to him a few months later, said it was just a $250 module or something stupid like that and he sold it for almost $3k. I told the ex, she was PISSED.


Can I ask about the powercurves under 2400rpm or isdatsummagick?



hopefully today

Just picked up my bmw today, tune has been completed. Im actually not quite sure how to explain how the car feels to drive, I 100% feel a difference, but im not too sure it is a positive difference. They DID tell me to drive 40-50 miles before you compare however I already feel A difference… My clutch is brand new and broken in properly but yet it feels like im burning the fuck out of it from SOMETHING, maybe the “new” power? I took the traction control off and what I THOUGHT was a 1,2,3 and 4th gear burnout was really only me burning the shit out of my clutch as I made my friend get out and tell me if my tires were spinning… Seems like im hitting redline way too fast, I think it was increased but would that make it get there faster? IDK, guess we will see when I can dyno it again.