F1 tuning claims 30% hp increase, 40% tq increase, you believe it?

Am I wrong? I would never want to like… seriously fuck anyone, especially not local but it’s a good selling point that might make the car sell easier no? lol and the reason for 20% more then the dyno numbers was becuase that would be an estimate crank horsepower right? Crank horsepower looks better then whp lolol… 290 sounds respectable, I was embaressed to post the measily 238whp my car made today.

couple more pics of my old 1g… If anyone knows of a nice built 1g for sale lemme know… must be awd.




Adding 20% would be wrong. You’d need to do some cross multiplying to get the “right” number if it’s guaranteed 20% loss from crank to wheels. 80/100=238/x… 80x=23800… x=297.5. Close, but I just helped you get $1000 more for the car since you only said 290 lol.

Enkei RS5’s. I had them! Same bolt pattern and everything. Yours look like 18’s or 19’s though, mine were 17’s.

You got a video backing up these claims? Thats moving for a 16g unless it had some serious supporting mods and a crazy ass tune

Honestly this was like 2 yrs ago, a house burnt down on me, I moved to 3 different cities hours away from eachother, I’ve been robbed and much more since then so to answer your question I dont lol. It had a ton of mods and a pretty decent tune from a friend of mine in Haverstraw Ny which is in Rockland County.

Mine were 18’s and yea I liked those wheels alot, they were light as fuck. lol

I dunno man cause the crazy e85 16g cars are running those times

Call me dumb, but I have no idea what you just did? I usually estimate a 20% loss in crank to wheel horsepower no? The f1 tune claims a 30% increase in horsepower, just to make it believable I only added a 20% CRANK hp increase which would be 58. 58 plus the existing 290 CRANK horsepower would be 348 CRANK horsepower which is how I came up with my number. Like I said earlier, I find it a pretty good sales techique to advertise crank horsepower when selling performance cars as is just looks better lol.

Like I said, I dont have a video, but I will admit how I crashed my car in hopes that someone was there and can vouch for the car as it was rediculous fast for what it was… I’m only openly admitting this btw becuase I already got caught and dealt with my legal trouble.

Two summers ago, I was at the “extension” and everyone was telling me to run my car… I was new to the area and only knew a few people at the time. Some kid in a silver wrx was begging me to race him for like 25 minutes so I was like fuck it. I was at the opposite side of the mall and you know how theres a traffic light mid way down? Well some asshole jig motherfucker decides its a good idea to park his expedition in the middle of the rd I guess thinking we wernt racing that far… I was def doing over a hundred when I started to break, lost control due to it being wet from earlier hence 1 of the reasons I didnt want to race, did a 1080 and smashing into the expedition at at LEAST 70. Now I no all of you are gonna say it doesnt look like a 70mph hit but I can ASSURE you, I was going fast as fuck and have a bunch of witness’s… LOL, so everyone starts to bounce exept my two friends, they help me roll it to some nature hiking park right across the st where I hid the car in the woods lol… Cops found it and towed it, showed up at my house and arrested me lol. My insurace had to pay $10k to fix the guy in the expedition who actually fled the fucking scene after I hit him!!

But yea anyway there was like a million people that were there and id be surprised it there wasnt anyone from here, I met up with 1 kid who got it on tape but he couldnt send it to my phone… I put the car on craigslist right after I got it out of impound for like $3,500 smashed up and got like 35842357942195 emails like “yo bro i was there the other night that shit was fucking insane, your car sounds like an airplane” lol… Some dude from utica ended up buying it the same day I listed it.

Let me save everyone else the trouble…

“Cool story brahh”


If you want another dsm let me know and I will find you a legit built one for a good deal

I want a built 1g gsx or a 2g with a 6 bolt swap/2.3 stroker… Been trying to buy my mechanics gsx spyder for a while but hes been just letting it sit with brand new paint for like 2 yrs lol. It’s black with a black top and rare black leather interior, MINT. Shit is pretty sick.

I think I may know who’s car that is. I know of a couple that are for sale some closer then others

Your car dyno’d 238whp today, so I used that figure. You need to remember that the 238whp is 80% of your crank horsepower, which is very different from adding 20% to get the number. I did cross multiplication (7th grade technique) to get the number of 297.5 crank horsepower, which would be the full 100% value. 80/100 = 238/297.5.

Using your method (based on your dyno, not the dyno + claims from F1), you’d take the 238whp and multiply it by 1.2 (as in 120%, since 238 would be 100%, but you want 20% more for the crank hp figures). 238x1.2 = 285.6 crank horsepower.

I’m not factoring in the 30% gains claimed by F1, and neither should you because it’d just be straight up lying to the potential buyer. Wait til you get a dyno number after the tuning and THEN figure out the real crank hp number.

Sounds like Mike/Wrecko.

Yes, it is Mikes. Originally he wanted to sell the car for $2,500 as a shell but I had JUST bought a car and had two others at the time so I passed even though it was a freaking steal… Now like a yr later he wants like $12k or something like that lol but I think he just said that cuz he doesnt wanna sell it.


I remember that shit, hearing about it I mean, I didn’t see it.

The crash?.. Yea lol, that was me. :confused:

Before tune dyno sheet
