Fabric Softener as a Coolant Additive = Lower Temps

well said, what do you need alternatives for when there is already a solution

I didnt “dream up” this dumb shit so, fuck off. I read about it, wanted to see if there was any real gains over Water Wetter. I bought a half qt. of fab. soft. for $1.99, so it didnt break the bank.
I just wanted to have a discusion about it and see if it was legit. I didnt really expect people to come into this thread and just type out some stupid shit about how Water Wetter is better, and telling me to stop dreaming up shit. I ~did~ post in the, "Tech. Discussion (theort and app.)
I think this qualifies. Man, some people are either that hard up to fuckin bag on someone or hates life and feels better after trying to make someone out to be dumb. :roll2:



listen you fucking clown, there is a pro product that has been on the market for years that costs less then $5 for a bottle. You feel the need to put fabric softener in your fucking car thats fine. I hope the $2.50 you saved was worth it. Use it to go buy some common sense.

Having a discussion about it is completely fine, as is my opinion of this being “stupid shit”. If that is too much for you to handle, maybe you should put that $2.50 towards some fucking meds that work.

And the exhaust will smell as fresh as a spring shower to boot!:biglaugh:

LMAO, you seem to be just as angry…maybe you need better meds too. Mine work ok, but when people (you) bash me for having a conversation about wondering if fabric softener works as a coolant additive. I guess the pills effects dont show up that day. Fuckin clown…lol for giving you ~my~ opinion after you take a shot at me and I defend myself…whatever.

Info should have been mentioned that this isn’t for cooling a motor, its for a water/air IC system. Water Weter has been know to bubble up when used in this situation.

Very good point!

Royal Purple makes a product called “Purple ICE” which does the same thing.


But you have to realize that everyone has an opinion on the matter…

so then this water wetter shouldn’t be used in a normal NA car then, is that what we arriving at here since it’s supposed to be used on the water/air IC setup?

Not at all…

What were getting at ehre is that Wetter water is meant for coolant systems, not necessarily aircharge cooling.

so then using this in a NA car could prove useful if say i did this, but if i bought the Wetter Water stuff, how much would i put it? a small amount, or the whole thing?`

problem some people where having is when the super charger was putting out high temps (super small pulley, eaton M90), water wetter didn’t like the heat and almost acted like it boiled, bubbles and foam appeared. As we all know air/bubble brings down the efficiency of this type of system.

DEI makes a “chill charger” that is for water/air systems. Has anyone ever used this product?

i found the following upon zee google

super cheap too

I once knew a guy who was a bed wetter, is this the same??

Almost, but…not rea…l…no actualy…not like it at all. Common name but different situation. BUT, I guess bed wetting ~may~ cool you down so…you could be on to something. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh…and It still hasnt been an ~amazing difference~ in IC water temp. :gotme: :confused:

well faberic softner really isnt a detergant its more like hair conditioner for your clothes so it will take more for it to start bubbling then normal soap.

Now, for my personal testing I’m going to decrease the amount to see if it makes it work better. Since the directions on Redline’s, “Water Wetter” is, to add a few cap fulls or something to that extent. I think my entire coolant system for my W/A IC is like 2gal.