I was bored and reading the reviews for the movie and I couldn’t help posting this fine article :rolleyes: . I think he doesn’t like the US a whole lot, what do you think?
To Those Schmucks who wrote the bad reviews.
by Xenos69247 (movies profile) Jun 25, 2004
65 of 116 people found this review helpful
You people are exactly the type of ignorant, naive, completely oblivious to the realities and what’s really going on in the world type of Americans that has brought this country to such a level of decay today. You idiots blindly follow any amount of BS the goverment and it’s mass media feed you. Depite the fact that all the evidence is clear that Bush is a friggin idiot and he has used fear as his main weapon to goad ignorant close-minded retards like you into believeing his bs rhetoric. I’m sorry, when Cuba attacks us, would we go after France? Probably, because we know we could bomb them from 10,000 miles away like little pansies as we have done for the past few decades. Funny though how we only pick on those we know we can defeat. There’s a reason why the rest of the civilized world hates the US you schmucks, not because they hate freedom idiots (the # 1 dumbass ignorant answer to all our foreign policy issues), it’s because we stick our noses in everything that’s none of our business then we try to tell them what to do. Oh yeah, then we tell them they’re evil and sadistic and want to bring them up on war crimes, while we’re doing the same exact thing and worse. Oh, wait, we’re the US and don’t have to adhere to the guidelines and standards we set for the rest of the world. Our military is a complete joke. The training is ridiculous and the only reason we’re even a superpower today is because we have more money and we have better technology and weapons. If the modern US military went up against a real enemy. ie. China, it would be crushed. But then of course, despite their human rights violations and atrocities over the past decades in China, we still do nothing about it. Why you ask? Because we only invade countries we know we can take out easily and can attack without any retaliation, and we call these insurgents cowards??? WE’RE IN THEIR FRIGGIN COUNTRY PEOPLE AND THEY’RE IRAQI CITIZENS TRYING TO PUSH US OUT OF THEIR COUNTRY!!! AT LEAST THEY HAVE THE BALLS TO PICK UP A WEAPON AND FIGHT! HOW MANY PUNK-ASS AMERICANS WOULD STAND UP AND FIGHT? THEY CAN’T EVEN GET THEIR FAT OVERWEIGHT DISGUSTING ASSES TO THE VOTING BOOTHS!!! This country has fast become a nation of uneducated, inbred, retarded rednecks who are just about as openminded as the grand wizard of the KKK. Terrorist Recruiting Video??? Are you kidding? Take a long hard look at the US military recruiting vidoes of today jackoff. We do the same things and use the exact same tactics as the Al Qaeda recruiting videos ( pandering to the uneducated, poor, and those without many other aveneues of opportunity). But I can’t ask any of you ignorant idiots to actually analyze something from multiple POVS as that would be wayyy beyond your 4h grade educations. Having served 6 years in the Marine Corps, I can say this loudly and clearly, The US Marine Corps is nothing but a government sponsored white supremacy hate group controlled by a bunch of ignorant racist KKK members comprised of a bunch of retarded redneck good old ol boys from the South and their leader is the talking monkey we have as the President opf the US. No wonder why the rest of the civilized world is laughing at us, out of 300 million people, we put that talking retarded monkey into the highest office of the land.Then again, he is quite representative of the majority of this country. The US is fast becoming a joke and it’s superpower status is fading fast.