Failvis the Scumbag/Scammer returns as NVSridez

awfully hard for those 2 to talk when adam wont answer travis’ phone calls

well you know where his shop is

a little o/t but what about when he tried to get ahold of you with the whole bank and car removal shit hit the fan …no word till all of it was posted .so i hear

Hmmmmm funny. If I remember correctly it was I that told TRAVIS(AKA YOU!) that if any sort of BS/lying/screwing me over with the whole deal ever popped up that ALL WOULD BE OFF. We all know how that turned out…

I SPECIFICALLY remember telling TRAVIS(AKA YOU!) that #1 rule was I didn’t want ANYONE knowing that the car was up at my shop, yet mysteriously 12 hours later half the forum knew where it was

So it appears that TRAVIS(AKA YOU!) broke any sort of agreement before anything else happened on multiple accounts.

Would you like me to send TRAVIS(AKA YOU!) a bill for unpaid labor in parts removal? Totals $816.

Mod’s, sort/split thread. It appears this kid doesn’t get the picture of what a WTB thread is about.

i dont know if he tried getting ahold of travis or not. i wasnt there… all i know is what im told.

You’re such a hypocritical piece of shit, Failvis. Please burn in hell.

im sorry adam ,just tryin to help ya out .didnt mean for a shit explosion

You’re a fucking scumbag.

MANY times

Point is Travis you have cash of mine, as well as copious amounts of unbilled labor for absolutely nothing on my end. Second, bank gave me the rights to do whatever I damn please with the shit. In their owns words, “parts what’s left and sell for money to recoup loses on your own end”. Had there been anything WORTH selling off this pile I would have done so.

Feel lucky for all the shit you managed to get me to removed as is… intercooler, all the shit I pulled from the ass end for you(bumper,taillights, trunk lid and spoiler, etc, etc)… oh wait that burnt engine, sway bars, brakes and rotors. all that shit that would otherwise still be here and on it’s way to a junkyard at this point.

I’ll give you this, you’re really good at getting shit out of people :Idiots

you seem to be DODGING the fact you and him agreed on a set dollar amount and you renigged on the deal. so in essence you seem to be fucking someone out of their money on a sales transaction. seems kinda scummbaggish to me.

No harm no foul. Wasn’t intentional on your part, you were just looking out for a fellow car member that’s all. That can only be appreciated.

oh man ,somtimes trav learn to keep the mouth shut :Idiots .ya do realize who your dealin with nothing good can come out of this;)

You’re the scumbag, and everyone here knows it. So, I don’t see why you’re still around.

you are an idiot. how many times must i tell you…:facepalm

The cat’s out of the bag, a mod checked the IP addresses and they’re the same as “ghettochildmotorsports”. Sooo in that case, you’re the idiot.

have any of you actually met me? dont jump the gun joey. you may be very surprised at the facts.

travis we all have met ya .we are not that dumb .well maybe 08silverado man

haha, ok. state the facts.

i have, time and time again.

:gtfo :facepalm