Failvis the Scumbag/Scammer returns as NVSridez

Travis, don’t send me PM’s because I’m just going to post that shit for everyone to see here…

Owe Travis money for what? A piece of scrap that a) I no longer have and b) I legally own outright as it is?? Technically, I could write a bill up to Travis for $3336. That’s $816 in labor removing parts he wanted to sell, and $2520 in storage fees($15).

Ok so why don’t you tell Travis that I’ll deduct the $400 I supposuvely own him form that total…so he owes me $2936. Sounds fair to me.


you’re a retard and a scumbag that owes people money.

all this over a damn flywheel.

is the f/w worth this much ???

he sold the engine with clutch and flywheel attatched last week anyways.

who’d ya scam this time?

holyfuckingshit I hope not!

His mom bought it off him so he can buy soda and chips for his backyard poker games.

then he stole it from his mom to sell again and make more money to pay his b/f scott for BJ’s

Another fine PM from him

Illegal? Verbal binding contract??? Are you crazy…were there witnesses to such verbal agreement? No? Thought so… it’s called heresay in the legal world pal. Much the same as is everything stated behind a keyboard and computer screen.

Most definitely not…

I believe it. Livin at home, fuckin fat porn stars and lickin the pimple juice off the back of other skanks. He makes a living scamming people via the interwebz so he can play poker! ef ya bitches.

Man, I really think you should take travis to small claims court for all the bullshit he put you through.

you could pick travis up in the byrrrdddd

cant get blood from a stone

True, but if the court tells him that he has to pay X dollers and he doesn’t, then I’m sure he would get arrested or something

Too bad his mom can’t be financially liable for her fuck up son. Its what she deserves for raising a fuckface piece of shit. The parents should be punished for lack of parenting abilities.

cival ,not criminal

One word…heresay

It’s not worth my time, and would 100% get tossed. My lawyer isn’t cheap and it’ll cost me more than what I’d get back anyway. I’ve been to enough SC cases to see this happen. Just went to one awhile back defending my old boss against a girl suing him for crap bodywork(which wasn’t the case at all). All she had to prove her claim was a load of emails and a timeline of events. It was tossed due to heresay(emails, posts) and non-professional(autobody) experience. Ask Justin Mcgrath, here was there with me as another witness…

But I mean if you disobey a judge, then it becomes criminal, no? Im just trying to think of ways to fuck travis over, Im about to go get my business law book out haha