See and buy the Sabres new Jerseys...

no im not going because this is apart of my own protest, when they said blue and gold i was hoping of a more modern update of the sabres and buffalo, not a slug with horns. I know no matter what i still support the team behind the jerseys win or lose i dont care. They are a talented lot minus a few vets but thats ok they still have a blue collar ethic like the citys residents. I just wont support the management shelling out a shit logo becuse they need to make another 75+ off everyfan who goes an gets that jersey. Why should i pay all that money to goto a game an kiss managements ass with the beer, the food money, getting a new jersey add all that up and i made gulisano a little more money for his piggy bank. No matter what the season brings ill be cheering them on as i have for the last 25 years of my life.