UGH…fucking horrible

this was taken an hour ago from a camera phone…BLAHHHHHHH

lets go sluggos lets go! clap clap!

Oh the irony…?



that is horrible

Fuck that logo

Nice repost but i hate it as much as you do…

yeah…quinn is a douche bag

yea its nothing specail but stop calling it a slug before the friggen whole leauge starts calling us slugs

:rofl: they are slugs.


what a battle…a leaf against a slug… woot!

Far too late for that, but i could care less what people call it as long as the logo goes away and fast. Its not like any sabres fans actually like the logo. Fuck quinn and fuck reebok for trying to change hockey.





I knew thats all he meant by the logo wasn’t complete. I have a “word mark” that id like to paint on his garage in poop! Quinn is such a douche when it comes to listening to fans.

everyone bring their salt shakers to the home opener. we’ll make a statement

tee dowwwn

At work the other day I was on the phone with one of the marketing guys from the NHL who said they just got the final design on the jersey, he said he couldn’t tell me what they look like, but the Sabres (Quinn) let the “new” design sit on his desk for a month and a half waiting for his signature. He went on to say that the original design was leaked through New Era because they were going to release it before the draft and put it on a hat for the drafted players to wear, but after it leaked and the outcry from the public they “tweaked” the design to something slightly different. Apparently it was the addition of the word Sabres underneath it, with that being said I hate it.

that looks horrible… but eh i guess im used to having a shitty logo and mascot…i graduated from holland high school…we were “home of the wooden shoe” and yes our mascot was a fuckin dutchmen. it was pathetic. and the good part of it all was we didnt even have a football team, that could have been bad.

anyways, back on topic…why did they make it yellow? of all colors YELLOW!!! no offense to anyone who may obtain a car and anything this color cough cough :rofl: