Sorry To Make A Second Post BUTTTT this seem to be the one that the news and radio is…
the more will help hopefully
Sorry To Make A Second Post BUTTTT this seem to be the one that the news and radio is…
the more will help hopefully
looks like a hairpiece; slug
ahahahaha it DOES
word, signed! pass this around the colors are cool the logo needs work.
signed. :tup:
ib4itwontwork :roll:
signed… i was number 92XX… let hope this gets the point accross
Im pretty sure its too late. They way people are talking is that it has to be the logo for the next season after that im sure it will be gone. I refuse to buy anything with that logo on it.
LOL… i was listening to shredd and regan this morning… they call that logo a “banana slug” that made me laugh
say NO to the banana slug!
I have a feeling that this is a marketing ploy to get everyone interested in the jerseys. Everyones gonna be all riled up about these horrible jerseys and then when the hot ones show up, their gonna be like OMG they listened to us, I have to have one…
crosses fingers
Well im sorry to say this but that logo is the logo they are using. It was just trademarked the other day
haha, the petition made it to the news!
and they also said that they are not necessarily using this logo. just that they trademarked it.
Ughh WGR is pissing me off lately because when they bring this up everyone who works for them seems to think the logo is ok and everyone is wrong in complaining. They are the sabres lapdogs. You’d think that there might be someting to this uprising, like i dunno THE LOGO IS SHIT!!!