Found this on the internet of course.,106224

Plus if you look at befor you actually get to the website it shows the third jersey and the collar with the laces on it. Pretty cool that they put that there. I think they are sick looking. Ill be getting a Kaleta one prob. Already have Roy’s.

yup, that’s it. colors look weird in the pic though. it’s the new colors.

I’d rock an afinogenov

You described the jersey to a T!!!

i like it

Might finally pick one up.


I <3 old school logo

They should never have changed it. The old logo is perfect.

Damn it now I have to buy a RBK Jersey!

Link no worky?

I like, I will buy (I own NOTHING with the slug on it)

LOOOVE the new jersey. That’s awesome! I will make it mine.


but still, I think its ok

lol someone is gonna get fired over that

can someone rehost the pic on imageshack or soemthin?

or attach for those of us who cant view image hosting sites :slight_smile:



i like it a lot
