My wife lied to me!

“It’s not going to arrive until January” LIES!

oh :snky: woman. nice!

best jersey the sabres ever had right there.

little fact: that logo right there is and was the only logo in the NHL that said the teams entire name with no words or letters, just symbols

I never liked them back in the day, I always liked the home whites, but then I saw them play in these this year (vs. Philly) and on the ice in action, they looked awesome. Now I know why fans of other teams always said they liked our road blues, they got to see them in action, while we only got to see them in action THIS year.

all women lie,all the time. I’m not even married and I know that.

layzie…ur wrong.

new jersey devils. the are “NEW” “JERSEYS” with a “DEVILS” logo

lol you’re or you are an idiot

fixed because we all know proper english is a must on a car forum

^^^ hahahaahahaha

Using the word “your” when calling someone an idiot. Oh the irony. :lol:

Nice x-mas present.

I made sure to make fun of every family member wearing the banana slugs logo over the holidays… I also made sure to make it clear beforehand that I would not wear any item that had that logo on it either.

Another little fact…

The blue and gold colors come from the Knox Polo Team jerseys.


i ordered mine in the first week of october. I got it last monday

are you goin to get it numbered? or keep it blank. That there makes me want to break out the old home jersey

nice lol. I love when they wear the classic jersies