Fall Meet

Denny’s Beer Pub works for me. I have never been there, but I’ve wanted to go since I heard about it a few years back.

id go if i had time

December sounds better, Worth the planing.

It’s in clearfield. google it

That is a little bit of a haul for me. Some where in Pittsburgh is an easier drive for me.

December is the x-mas meet already planned for.

november it is then. im in

Their is more then one day in december

december is going to be cold and the roads im sure arent going to be in a good enough shape to bring our cars out… so im thinking more in the lines of early november

Shut up n00b

drive another car? problem solved?

sorry im a poor college kid only have one car… so nice try


ok lets just make this clear i have only ONE CAR… no DD… no weekend car… no WORKSTUDY my options are kind of limited…

car pool?

hitchhiking won’t cost you a dime. don’t be a puss

why in fuck would you have one car thats a non DD in college

get a college job?


