farmers r34?

I love the gullibility of a lot of people.

Lol Mark “Tell Farmer to his face that its disgusting! Hahahahaha”.
'Tis would be funny.


this things legit. do some searching on this forums and you’ll find the thread about it.

ZOMG BBQ, Do want. I would have to much fun with this thing. That Feint guy talks mad shit to everyone, he did to me with his 30 posts he had before. Can i get a ride in it before you sell it, :slight_smile:

looks like a r34 sounds like a r34 smells like a r34 must be a ford tempo

I am not saying the car is disgusting. The work is solid for what it is. But if it isn’t a real 2003 R34 then it shouldn’t be sold as a real 2003 R34. I didn’t see any mention of the conversion on the ad. That is dishonest, and I found the dishonesty disgusting, especially if someone is selling it at 100K.

Lynch me more if you want. Farmer seems like a nice dude. And the work I saw on the other forums showed how involved the project was. If you want to misconstrue what I said about the dishonesty and go ahead.

dude your a fucking retard.
theres no conversion. its an r34.
its not being dishonest cause he is selling a REAL R34.
now don’t worry about this car anymore cause you can afford it…cause your family is poor (<------thats a joke)

Was that called for dude?
I dont think he deserved that in the least.

easy on the family comments skinny

HAHA dude thats like a back in grade 6 chirp. that is still infact funny. i don’t know him at all. i don;t know his family. so how would i know if he was poor? obviously its a joke. take it as one. and lighten up

edit: cleared up any confusion

i thought it was funny…

but i love everything about this r34, and i hope you find a good owner for her farmer.

It’s all fun and games until you bring family into it. Sick car though but good luck making the money spent on it back!

you sir have an open invitation to come to my place and tell me this face-to-face

if you cant then stfu and gtfo !!!


Called that!

The car rules… farmer is a big angry man… just leave it at that.

Lock this shit!

YO listen to me! the car is an R34! it was two half cuts welded together, one car and front end damage and the other back end damage!.. the damage parts of the two cars were cut of and disgarded somewhere in Japcity. The car is a ‘‘KIT’’ car because it was brought over here in piece then just welded together. Assuming he drilled out the factory welded points and redid everything to factory spec PLUS more to make sure it stays strong the car is 100% fine! Trust me when I tell you it is a R34! Many accident cars we have in Canada have the same worked done on them, two cars welded together to make one!! To MTO and all them legal ppl it is a KIT car!!

IF you dont have the cash please dont bash, cause you dont know who farmer is or the person that owns the car. they may break your legs or just Jimmy Hoffa your ass!

FOOTNOTE: ITS A R34, you know you WANNNNNT IT!

Farmer, can the people that like it come to your house, tell you its cool and get a drive in it? :smiley:

it was cut in half i didnt know all that beutifull car im waiting 5-7 year too grab one but thats a structual no-no welding too halfes of a car beutifull car tho


Im waiting to grab mine to from Japcity… i want to go there and hand pick mine! But Farmer did an AMAZING job putting it back together, 100% care was taken to make sure it was safe and it is!