Fast Boats! poker run Friday and Saturday in Buffalo

Check the link for the schedule. Big, fast boats gonna be ripping up the waters around Buffalo this weekend:tup:

Did this 2 years ago on a 38 top gun. So much fun doing 90+ with a group full of boats down the river. Amazing some of these boats run race gas considering its mostly used for pleasure.

Minus the fact that you have massive money to blow on a boat that is built for speed, how much does it cost to run something like this? Running that long on race gas going full speed has to be hell on a wallet. Lol

wouldn’t be surprised if it cost 500 bucks to fill the boat with gas… boats usually have really large tanks and probably get like 1/2 mile per gallon lol.

Anyone have any idea where would be a good spot on land to catch a glimpse of these fuckers going WOT? I have a boat…but it isn’t water-ready:(

a lot of the bigger boats have twin 100+ gallon tanks, and on a run like this you will put a very large dent in both of them.

Seems like they start and stop at a few places. I figure Niawanda Park, the harbor, and maybe riverside park would be pretty good spots through the river.

My brother in law has A crown line, Either a 454 0r 502 dont remember. he has a procharger on it though. Olcott marina to the river and back around will burn 60 gallons of fuel.

Cool, I’ll be out on the boat between Strawberry Island and Grand Island today so it’ll be a prime viewing spot.

You need to double that number if you’re talking about go fast boats

A lot have tanks around 185gallons

Yeah definitely …depends on the boat size but it was a cautious estimate.

Bump. This is causing me a bit of grief professionally, but it’s still a cool event. Today and tomorrow there are some wild boats down at Erie Basin Marina!

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… and somewhat on topic because it came up on YouTube:

Aftermath of that wave jump…

wow what an idiot

DAMNIT @JayS beat me to it

I was editing mine with the link you found while you were posting this too. The dailymail story has a lot more details and a lot less nonsense than thehulltruth link I originally posted.

What an idiot though, obviously showing off. He didn’t need to go full throttle to get out of that mess. A light amount of throttle would have gotten him up and over. sigh Money can’t buy brains.

Just a little buffing…

Those of you who make it down there make sure you take some pics!

We were fishing today when a few waves of them flew by us. I’ll post a few videos.

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My phone was shaking watching the vid. Apparently that areas not a no wake zone.