fast car = more parking tickets?!

the lady has spoken so ill just skip her posts lol and back on topic
parking cops can be dicks when they see a nice whip but if u dont want tickets just wait in the car with peper spray or even better i would replace my washing fluid with this and just spray them until they drop

It’s cause you’re a gay Hipy just like Alex. You and your red cars. You like to rice it up with loud stereo systems and flashy smoked corner lights. You should be ashamed of yourselves :{

hahahahaha this is a wicked idea. What is a parking official gonna do anyway, give you another ticket?
As soon as the wiper arm is tugged up a bit that means the officials head is bent slightly over the car to give you a ticket. At that point a violent amount of washer fluid comes spewing out of the nozzle all over the official. Things get more exciting when you load up the washer bottle with Pepper spray.

wtf why am i such a newb?

how do you write in colour?

it’s a special power

The special kind you get from riding on the short bus to school?

ZING! :stuck_out_tongue: