title says it all…
The post was here this morning… now it vanished. Personally I thought it was pug fugly but I wanted to show my friend the link. Heh.
title says it all…
The post was here this morning… now it vanished. Personally I thought it was pug fugly but I wanted to show my friend the link. Heh.
it’s in the media section…
pay your $20 fee and you can go see it.
or i can just post the link in here
and i agree… it doesn’t look too hot… but that’s right… crazy dish!
I already saw it. I was just curious to why it had disappeared.
would like some assistance on 2 things here…
where can i buy BRS gear? the fender flares on that car.
i knew a place that sold it a few months ago but i cant find it now.
also, what kind of rear valance is that?
pj bonifacio makes flares similar to those.
PJ wants $350 USD, BRS are $180 usd…
and they are the same friggin thing…
if anyone here wants them then HELP ME GET THEM FIRST!!!
i told Sam @ jspec to lower the price, but he said PJ wont budge…
i doubt he even tried
i looked at brs site and it looks like they dont’ even deal with our cars anymore
link please?
if you check out the forum on the website it looks like there are two people after the same thing as you.
so far they havn’t really given an answer to them about pricing or if they will be distributing it to public.
make it 3 and perhaps they might get off their asses once they realize that there is some interest in the part.
A few years ago these guys contacted me to make a mold of my Charger cowl hood.
Sadly I had a 100 mph hold down pin failure, and never ended up being able to help them.
But I do know they can make ANYTHING, and fender flares are super easy to make.
that’s their 240 line up … but their catalog is shit. Surf around or email them directly.
They’re located in mississauga
its a bomex. just pick one of theyre not too expensive
that so isnt it…
it is a rear add on…
DAMN 295 tires!! shit thats got to be expensive!!
Hmm i dont know about this look…too beefy i guess but i dont mind the overall car, pretty vlean!
why do we have two of these threads?
what was the point of moving a thread to member’s only that wasnt started by a member?
I moved it, and i move all threads according to their content. It had media files in it, so i moved it. I could have also sent it for deletion. Pick which one you would prefer deleted.
I don’t care who started the thread. If they can’t view it in the Member’s chat or Media section, maybe they should consider becoming a paying member.