March 9, 2009, 8:46pm
ok, first off i would like to start by saying that i am by no means skinny at all, i have a 38 waist, weigh 237 and have beyonce styled thunder thighs as well as wonderfully attractive manboobs, but seriously fat ppl have been pissing me the fuck off lately. im not talking extra meat here and there, im talking obese fat fucks who waddle like goddamn penguins when they walk. today at school im sitting in the cafe area just killing time before class and there is this fat (most likely 300+lbs) girl sitting at a table with a friend complaining about how she’s sick of being fat and how she’s tried everything to lose weight. meanwhile, she has 2 slices of pizza in front of her, a basket of french fries and one of those 347 ounce sodas that shes sipping on. bitch, do you see whats going into your mouth and you’re complaining about how you cant lose weight? put down the fucking slice of pizza, toss those fries to the side and dump out that soda and start fucking running or something!
i know some of you who dont know me may be thinking “wow, what an asshole this sxy time guy is” but i weighed 348 last march and i fucking did something about it. someone who had no motivation at all was able to lose over 100lbs and is still going. it just drives me up a wall to see these fat bastards eating this nasty fried and greasy ass shit then complain about being fat. thats like wearing a KKK outfit in harlem and wondering why you are getting stabbed and shot at. seriously, fucking do something about your obesity if you feel like living past 25 years old or if you dont want diabetes so you can enjoy yout slice of cake fatty.
/rant (for now)
Some people don’t want to work for shit even if it means being happier and living longer. Hopefully they get angry enough about their situation to a point where they’ll make a lifestyle change.