Fat ugly slut for sale looses her fucking mind

old news, already have

Pictures asap.

:rofl this bitch is nuts. Any chance we can see security footage?

i think the best revenge is to post pics of her tits directly under this post.


dude, pimp her ass out!!!

/thread but pics of bewbs for wayne first.

As far as I know (and from past experiences) this is only true if you don’t have comprehensive coverage, the damage sustained is paid for by the insurance company and then they pursue damages from the other party . 4 panel damage is going to be well over $1000.

Report it to your insurance, it will get paid for.

so you didnt press charges, but got a report?

sounds perfect to report to insurance to me.

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl Was waiting for someone to acknowledge that.

How so? Her insurance wont cover it as her car was not involved and I’d rather pay out of my own pocket than go through my own insurance company as no one will want the car when it comes time to sell when the car fax shows vandalism.

Yeah the stuff you can get away with as a minor… technically as long as the dealer doesnt ask and you dont lie about your age(if i remember correctly from law class) you could take a car out on a loan from them… say a porshe dealership, beat the fuck out of it and then come back a few days later and be like nah i dont want it anymore, and the dealer would have to take the loss and refund you full on the car. there was a word for it but i dont remember what exactly its called. once your 18 though funs over lol

Oh come on, don’t act like you never saw this coming. :rofl

love it!

take a shit right on her chest…

but really. Sucks to hear man … id deff take this bitch to court. No way in hell id pay out of my own pocket for something you and the cops both know she did.

CARFAX is garbage anyhow, both of my cars show 100% clear and the Camaro has been folded twice and my wife hit a deer with my G6. If you want to pay for a paint job out of pocket, so be it, but this is the reason you HAVE insurance… no reason to be dumb about it. Comprehensive is made for this type of shit.

+1, carfax isn’t nearly as accurate as people make it out to be.

the gti i bought was clean on car fax and a year later showed it had an accident. FUCK carfax

carfax, autocheck, w/e, the point is, its EXTREMELY hard to sell an expensive car with an accident on record and honestly, why should I have to report shit myself and make MY insurance go up? Rather have that bitch arrested, get scared and ruffed up in Albany county and then get out and have to pay me as well as a bunch of other fees anyway… Especially when I tried to reason with her a million times… Someone please tell me why I BOUGHT her a car for $1,600 and she was supposed to pay me back but hasnt given me a dime… I told her id take THAT as payment and she fucking says no!!! wtfff lol…

hey bro, sounds like you’re pretty whipped.

Sounds like im pretty whipped? She DID this becuase im with someone else instead of her… lol

who buys some random bitch a car. REALLY. You are dumber than i thought

Who talks about something they know nothing the fuck about?? “REALLY”

At one point in time this whore WAS my friend, I’ve known her 2 years, she then turned IN-fucking sane. My attempts to get rid of her failed but she was never dangerous until yesterday. This car was bought months ago. She finally flipped her top when seeing me take my neighbor across the st and have sex with her. Im now talking to the neighbor and this crazy bitch cant live with that.