Fat ugly slut for sale looses her fucking mind

why dont you get like a protective order against her or something, that way there she will never come back around?

cant unless shes arrested which im gonna have done becuase its the only way to get my money… Tried to today but they said I have to wait until monday.

:facepalm at this whole thread.

bitches are crazy

I like how you flip flop back and forth over wanting her arrested and to see jail time and then not wanting her arrested.

I still think you are full of shit with this whole story

Nah its true, I was there there the whole day

get restraining order???

i feel like you should not be fucking her all the time for money, this may be a great portion of the problem. women think different than men… “oh we had sex, that must mean he likes me and i should try to talk to him.”

you can deff get a order of pretection … you dont need to have her arrested to have a restraining order on the bitch. Trust me, almost got one on an ex so i looked into it.

id deff get a restraining order on her, that would also look good in your favor if you do end up taking her to court. If the judge sees you have that on her and shes still nutts and caused harm to your car, theres no way he wouldnt award you with a lil somethin

this is also true … if you fuck her on the reg and you didnt cme to an agreement you guys are just “fuck buddieees”, you better be ready to be with the bitch. Girls tend to get a lil crazy with that shit … im sure we can all agree.

Not true at all. You fucked your Carfax report up when the police got involved. When there’s a police report, it definitely goes on Carfax. When there’s an incident with no police involved, it usually doesn’t. I got in an accident with my G35, and got it repaired through insurance but it never showed on the Carfax when I traded the car in. Reason for that is no police report.

Might as well claim it on your insurance now anyways, you will barely be paying much more than you are now, and since there’s a police report and you’re pressing charges, the increase will be insignificant or none at all.

Please tell me how I flip flop? First yr was alright, second full yr was pretty much me trying to get rid of her, some weeks I gave up for a little bit and other weeks I tried hard again, im sorry that youve never experienced this kind of situation but if you did youd realize its a pretty hard task, especially when your trying to date someone else and you dont want this physco bitch ruining it… As for the jail time, if you read you would see that I said the only way I can get paid under insurance or so I was told is if she was arrested, hence why I changed my mind from not wanting her arrested to wanting her arrested… The end result however is that I got the title back for the car I fronted her the cash for, took whatever cash she had on her and her 55" lcd… She has agreed to pay me a remaining $500 within 3 weeks… As said below, Ned as well as other people can confirm the story, but im not in the mood to make you believe a fucking story im posting on a car forum.

I dont fuck her all the time and certainly not for money, that was a 1 time deal… I told her first Id be her friend without sex and that didnt work so I told her I wanted to be nothing and that REALLY didnt work.

Hows that? cop didnt ask model, yr or get vin on the bmw at all. im 99.9% sure if I pay out of pocket which im prolly gonna do there will be no record on my car fax/autocheck.


yeah, it was high $ amount because of the location where the damage was. the chips were SMALL, but they were on the door, fender, 1/4 panel roof and both windows(windeshield was in the estimate haha). alot of it buffed out, but body shops will estimate it high, especially where i went.

i didnt fix the car, simply because i didnt care as much as some. free money and a tough lesson learned for that kid.

If I was smart id just leave my car alone but im insane with my cars, the scratch IS long as fuck but its not an eye soar at all and cant see it good unless your looking for it. Lost my usb cord to my cam or id post pics, gotta wait till i get a new 1 as it doesnt pick up on my cell

i heard that this whole situation is actually opposite as to love4boost describes it…

not the whole keying shit…the previous things…about who is obsessive over who…just sayin :tongue

Did they look at your registration? That tell them all they need to know. If there was a police report, chances are they took down your registration.

and now we know who the bitch is that is going back to her telling her what’s going on in the previous threads.


also L4B - A person isn’t going to care whether or not you see a report for vandalism on carfax; because once you get the car painted, you already lowered the value as it’s not original paint per se. Don’t be stupid, go through your insurance company under Comprehensive, pay the $500 (for me it would be $200), get the car painted, and NOT have your insurance premiums increase.

To the person asking about minors You are talking about Minors and Contractual Capacity in which they can return any item they want.

i didnt say shit to no one…and i didnt hear it from her…so stfu unless you know shit…

i will not stfu.