Fatal accident in Colonie

I figured as much you simpleton. You will for ever have a bone to pick and think you have a fool proof argument to justify it. Thats pitiful.

The bold part is exactly what I am talking about. you are too narrow-minded to fucking realize why your friends thread turned into a 30 page shit show. You keep clinging to what I highlighted in bold because its the only argument you have to use against us, and its not even why there was an argument in the first place.

Let me put this very fucking simply.

YOUR ACTIONS WERE THE REASON PEOPLE SHIT ON YOUR THREAD, YOUR FRIENDS DEATH AND YOU! It started off just like it should have, “RIP, Sorry for the loss, etc.” Then someone had the BALLS to call it how they saw it, and YOU blew the fuck up. YOU started puffing your chest, YOU started fabricating facts, YOU stuck up for his fatal mistakes YOU BROUGHT THE SHIT SHOW ON!!! Just like BITCH did on the mustang blow up.

Travis’ friend died for his mistakes, and he did what any level headed person would, “Yep, he died doing something stupid, nothing I could have done could have changed it.” Thats why his stayed “respectfull” and didnt turn to shit.

Just like friends here of this kid, arnt fabricating the scene, justifying his actions, etc.

Get your fucking head out of your ass.

No, someone stated what they think happened surrounding the death, which turned out to be true, and GREG couldnt admit it was true and went off on anyone who didnt see it his way.

:rofl pot meet kettle.