Fatal Car Accident in NJ

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:19,topic:29750"”]

Strut rub is a simple fix. Haven’t had any issues with mine in 7k miles:headbang:


Sorry to go off topic but…

Simple if you want to pay for Pedders bushings, or if you accept the bullshit GM answer of pushing the alignment out to max spec.

Then there is the paint coming off the door handles (fixed under warranty)
Then there is the suede that fell off the door (fixed after 2 trips to the dealer under warranty).
Then there is the main belt that went at 4k (fixed under warranty)
Then there is the alternator whine/random radio shutoff that they can’t reproduce so it must not exist according to Culligan (yeah, I lie about stuff like this because I like having my car sit at the fucking dealer)
Then there is the diff whine that isn’t bad enough to be considered “not normal”.