Fatal Car Accident in NJ

Kinda graphic…

Fatal Car Crash


damn wow

too bad i didn’t witness this!

i guess he didnt feel like obeyin the 5mph sign…idk if i should feel sorry for him or just think what an idiot??

haha everybody just watched.

It’s a ZX2 obviously it was a woman driver. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is quite sad though, not only the accident but the fact everyone else just drove on by, or watched, and only one person stopped to try and do something.

ZX2 by the remains of it.

edit, damn you Fuzz :stuck_out_tongue:

I think he had a seizure or something.

When will people learn to slow down while passing through toll barriers?

I hope it was all the people passing by’s parent even though its not likly they had that many children all driving together on the same road


I think he had a seizure or something.




I hope it was all the people passing by’s parent even though its not likly they had that many children all driving together on the same road


wtf, why would you say that?


What would the average passer by be able to do for this person, or, what was a person?? They hit the concrete barrier at about 60mph and the car burst into flames. Unless you have a Delorean that can time travel, your not going to be able to help them. Plus, there was a police officer in a Charger that arrived about 6 seconds after the point of impact. I also heard that the driver had a history of seizures.


I hope it was all the people passing by’s parent even though its not likly they had that many children all driving together on the same road

what an asshole comment without knowing the story.

Unless you’re fireproof, what the fuck are you going to do to help in that situation, other than become a victim yourself? The car hit a cement barrier at 60+ and instantly burst into flames. The only thing to do there is call the fire department, a wrecker, and the coroner.

The best thing you can do in that situation is keep driving and stay out of the way.


Unless you’re fireproof, what the fuck are you going to do to help in that situation, other than become a victim yourself? The car hit a cement barrier at 60+ and instantly burst into flames. The only thing to do there is call the fire department, a wrecker, and the coroner.

The best thing you can do in that situation is keep driving and stay out of the way.


Maybe it’s only the GTO owners who are smart like us:D

[quote=“Quattro Krant,post:17,topic:29750"”]

Maybe it’s only the GTO owners who are smart like us:D


I take it you haven’t seen my post in the strut rub thread? The GTO might not be one of the purchases that goes in the “smart” column. I still love the car though. :wink:


I take it you haven’t seen my post in the strut rub thread? The GTO might not be one of the purchases that goes in the “smart” column. I still love the car though. :wink:


Strut rub is a simple fix. Haven’t had any issues with mine in 7k miles:headbang:


It’s a ZX2 obviously it was a woman driver. :stuck_out_tongue:

That is quite sad though, not only the accident but the fact everyone else just drove on by, or watched, and only one person stopped to try and do something.


i dont think i’d run towards a burning fireball