Fate of Burress/Bettis

“Man, everybody was crying,” receiver Hines Ward said Monday. “That’s how bad it hurts. I mean so, you know and I felt sorry for him because I learned so much from the guy and um, to me was, he’s always a champion to me regardless if he ever played in a Super Bowl or not I learned so much from him and …”

:frowning: I feel so bad for those guys.

me too

if you don’t drop passes then you would be more involved…

Bye bye Plex.

Really sorry to see you go Bettis.

I would like to see the bus stick around for another year (or longer if he has it in him)

Burress on the other hand, he’s an “ok” receiver. He doesn’t use his height to his advantage like he should, and doesn’t adjust to the ball very well, it’s like if the pass isn’t on target, he ain’t catching it. (at least that’s what I see)

Who cares… Pittsburgh is a primarily running offense. If I was a 6’7" receiver, I’d wanna go somewhere else too.

Bettis will be missed for sure, though

ya, me too. jerome means alot to those guys and the whole city. u cant not like that guy. as for Burress i can see his point to an extent, but he doesnt always step-up when he has key opportunities (ie: endzone drop on sunday night). i have always been a huge fan of him, but i definatly think talking about this stuff immediatly after a huge loss like that is not the way to go about it. in general, it was never a secret that he puts himself way ahead of the team or anything else. i dont think hes as bad as most ppl make him out to be (as a player and with his intentions) but thats just my opinion.
p.s.- please dont bother pushing your views on me or trying to convince me any way, cause i still stand exactly the way i always have, so what anyone on here says isnt gonna change how i feel.

burress has a huge ego… he’s not that good… sorry to see you go bye

werd. And get open too. I’ll bet he will be pissed when Ben turns into a premier receiver and totally opens up the passing game. Then the Offense will finally match the domination of the defense. This will open up the running game even more. The steelers are on the brink of starting a dynasty. Hines is just getting into his prime, the O line is healthy, happy, playing great together and have contracts. We have a great young set of linebackers, a saftey that is just about done figuring out the league and is about to get into his prime. Duce We have plenty of room under the cap, Bettis is 33, so I REALLY think he is gonna come back for another season. He only played half a season so he probably isnt that banged up. He knows the team is gonna have a great shot at getting that ring. He has proven himself this year, so im sure he would be utilized in much more of a 1-2 punch running back setup instead of just using him in short yardage situations. So one more year with Bettis, Staley is getting kinda old at 30, so I think i’d be looking for the Steelers to draft a shutdown cornerback (we really need to toughen up the secondary), or a young upstart running back. Everything else on the team is solid.

this season he did change my opinion of him by quite a bit. in his mind, he is a Randy Moss/TO level receiver. Imagine if Minnesota or the Eagles ran the ball as much as the Steelers did, and they had another really good receiver on the team as well. The only thing the Steelers really used him for was as a deep threat, and they rarely went deep… So if I were him, I could totally understand why he would want to go to another team. And if he does go I will wish him well. It was pretty shitty for him to make those remarks immediately following the game, but undoubtably emotions were part of that, so i’ll withold judgement. Also, he is a big money guy, and he wasnt really being used all that much, so it might be in the Steelers best interest to spend that money shoring up the secondary, and try and get a big time CB like a Champ Bailey or Ed Reed. Maybe Plax and a first round draft pick for Ed Reed. That would be interesting. Im not sure how things work, but can the Steelers even trade him before his contract runs out, or does he just leave and go to another team of his choosing?

supposedly the ravens and giants have shown interest in him according to the radio last night

Ed Reed is a safety… the Steelers don’t have much choice in trading Plax… his contract is up. Who’d give something up if he’s in free agency and could just buy him.

that article pissed me off… fuck burress… what a dickwad

el is twice the player than plax and he hasn’t bitched about being thrown to… burress is an egotistical self-deserving asshole. i’m glad he’s leaving… people like that shouldn’t represent our town.

x2. and even though it would be nice, the Ravens organization wouldnt be stupid enought to get rid of Ed Reed.

…come on now. if that was the case , then he wouldve been the starter. Randel el is sweet, but hes not the answer. he doesnt see the coverages that plax or Hines see. when El was fillin in for Burress during the injury, alot of those nice plays you saw him make were because Hines was being double/ triple covered which let El stay open.

yea, I feel for a bunch of millionaires who play a fucking game for a living. :rolleyes:


it’s been a slow day and i’m in the mood to argue about stuff :smiley:

Stick to the interweb there pal, you wouldnt make it as a football coach. Randel El is the ideal 3rd reciever. Moving him into the starting lineup full time would stymie our offense. We need a deep threat, El is a possession reciever. Look at what happened when St. Louis had the greatest show on turf, and then Az Hakim left to go be a starter in Detroit. He was horrible. He was an excellent third reciever though.

Burress in a trade won’t happen, like stated above. But, if he was under contract, he wouldnt command a player like Ed Reed and a 1st round pick. Ed Reed will be in the pro bowl for the next 10 years, he is probably one of 4 untouchables on the Ravens team (Lewis, Reed, Boller, Heap).

The Steelers have some holes, but nothing that can’t be filled. We have traditionally been one of the best drafting teams in the league. I don’t think we draft a corner high. We took Colclough in the 2nd last year and Ike Taylor has shown quite a bit of promise. With the seasoning those two recieved, I think one will be starting opposite D. Townsend.

I think Chad Scott will be released, $4million is too much for a nickleback.

Plax retracted some of his statements last night I think it was. Said something to the effect that he is willing to do whatever it takes to win, and put himself and his team in the best position to win. then again, the best position for him and the team might not really mean the team is the Steelers.

I think the Steelers first round pick will be a Defensive End, maybe Shaun Cody from USC. Kimo is gettin up there, we need someone to help him out.

If Plax leaves, WR becomes a need position for us. We need a burner to stretch defenses and give Hines the room to match catches.

Drafting wise I figure we need

  1. D End
  2. WR
  3. Offensive Lineman (never can have too many, especially since Vincent and O. Ross are FA’s)
  4. Corner

I think you might see us trade away some picks or do something to try and get 2 first rounders, take a D End and a WR and try to get back to the Super bowl next year. Not something the Steelers typically would do, but it worked out well with Polamalu.

I know Ed Reed is a safety. Imagine the 1-2 punch of Reed and Polamalu. I wasnt sure exactly how that worked, but even if we cant trade him for anything, his departure will leave a hole in the budget that could be filled by a good defensive player for our secondary.

El is a better all around player than burress. he is faster, can make sharper moves, and most of all doesn’t whine and cry and generally makes all the plays in the clutch that he needs too

ed reed would be nice but no one in their right mind would give him up but i was thinking about another grad from “the U” Philip Buchanon CB from the raiders. He’s a pretty good player, fast, can cover good, hit, and is a great return guy. him and el on kickoffs would be ridiculous.