Fate of Burress/Bettis

why would i want to be? i’m not some sports fanatic…

my opinion is that plax is a douchebag with a terrible attitude.

i saw randell make plays, i see he was fast and can catch… and i’ve seen him make some blocks… i haven’t seen plax put forth any effort unless the ball is coming to him… you can watch a replay where he stops running and strides when he’s not in the play. just an observance.

you can just stick to being a cocksucker though… you’re good at it. :bigok:

that’s all i was saying… b ut we aren’t football experts sam :greddy: :greddy: :gives:

if you didn’t play highschool football or become a referree you ain’t shit and you have no clue about the game… The 100 plus games that i have attended in the past few years do not give me the right to make any comments on football either… we will stick to the interweb :rolleyes:

burress started over randel el for a reason

buress is just a over paid lazy fucking baby

good rediance

I think he might be a free agent as well. I’m not sure on this. I read somewhere that he wanted to go to the Vikings, btu I dont know if its thru FA or thru a trade with them for Moss.

You can make all the comments you want. Doesn’t mean they are valid, intelligent, or worthy. Mine are the same way… Just voicing an opinion

High school football? I didn’t play… I watched from the band section :kekegay: My mom has attended every Steeler game between 98 and now, plus alot of College games, and she understands the game but doesn’t know personnel. Reffing hurts me watching football. Hard to explain, but it does…

I’m not trying to start a “pink shirt” (guy from west a that got banned) type of fight. But the reality is that Randel El is an excellent athlete, but I just don’t think that he’d make a good 2nd reciever. He and Hines are copies of each other, both possession recievers… You need to have compliments that are a little different so the D can’t just stick to one kind of defense. I’m not some football genius, I dont know much about the game, but it just makes sense that you dont have two of the same player at WR… you need a speed burner to stretch the D and a hands guy to catch underneath.

Even though Burress didn’t make a ton of plays, the D still respected his ability to make a good play, and that opened things up. If we liked smallish recievers starting at that position, then we would have just kept Troy Edwards and probably drafted Pennington instead of Burress a while ago :ugh:

i think we should try to keep plax…he does make a difference out on the field. I think the steelers should franchise him, then if need be trade him, that way we get atleast something for him

as for bettis, he said he’d like to play another year, depending on his health, i think he’ll be back, i dont think the salary will be that big of a deal to him, we’ll give him more than the 1 mil we did this year.

Franchise is I think the player has to get the average of the top 5 salaries at that position. Thats a hell of alot of money for our #2 reciever. I’d like to keep him, but not at that price… The more I think about it, the more I think hes going to want too much money to stay and be a #2 reciever… now if he was #1 and played like it, then it might be different I guess?

where would we be now thou if we had pennington the last 5 years instead of plax? the guy’s rotator cuff was falling off his shoulder and he was still throwing the ball better than ben did the past two games. this isn’t sayin i’d rather have chad than ben but just where u think this team would be with chad instead of plax at this point. Plax is a cancer in the locker room. if i’m a steeler i wouldn’t want the guy back.

i am not saying I disagree with you, i said many of times… Randel El is great in that third spot but not so much yet in that second. But to me I don’t see plax as a team player and a hero in pittsburgh, I would love to know the amount of dropped catches he has in the past few seasons. I would never spend the money for plax and actually i dropped him from my Madden League… but thats another story.

i would ditch plax, maybe work on getting someone that would take that number 2 spot whether its Mays or Randle El. and then draft a receiver as well… get rid of the negativity of plax, we don’t need him!

good idea and what someone said earlier it will open that much more room under the cap cause you know plax is goin to want a shit load to stay.

Mays showed some promise late in the year and randle el has always been one of the faster guys on the team.

keep williams and townsend trade scott off pick up a decent DB even if it takes scott and a draft pick to do so. of course keep polamolu.

see if bettis is willing to work for a million for a shot at the ring first then offer him more if he doesn’t take it. they need the money right now to fill in the weak spots.

what they do this off season can make them heros or make them zeros real quick

i think you are underestimating Hines’s deep threat capability.

it was me sweetheart, you can admit to agreeing with me. No ones gonna hate you for it. :rofl:

holy crap I agree again. He has the hands and speed so whocares about height

have a few other choice words I would have used but yeah that would be the “G” rated explination/comment

I have never nor will ever like him. And that shit started when he use dto talk in 3rd person which made me want to slit his throat.

“Plexico will cathc the ball when plexico wants to”

fuck you asshole your catch the fucking ball because you are paid too!

mike williams from USC will probably fall to the late 1st round since he couldn’t get drafted last year and play in college this year. Thats a good option to replace plax. BUT… if you are commited to the run don’t you want another unselfish guy who is a great blocker? Plax worries about numbers, numbers don’t mean shit…ask dan marino how important numbers are, ask any player that never won a title how important those numbers are… with exception to assholes like barry bonds, championships are first, then personal acolades. Heinz puts is on the line every game for his team, not himself. plax wants the ball to to help himself not the team. maybe instead of beating NE the steelers should have tried to be more like them. its time to get an handle on personal celebrations and all the “me” and “i” and focus on “WE”

I’m sure gonna miss the bus. He’s a great guy, i hope he stays in pittsburgh. One time when i was takin classes at CCAC i saw them walking to their old practice field and i stopped my car in the middle of traffic and ran over and asked him to sign my shirt, he was very polite about it. That just shows you the difference a coach like lou holtz makes to young guys in college. jerome was brought up well and it continued through college. He started to get a bad attitude with the rams until coach holtz game him a call and put him back in his place. I will be there in canton whether its 5 or 6 years from now.

plex has something shady going on. come on, you come late to camp, you got drug dealers bustin in your crib, you can’t wait to leave. remember a few years ago he involved in some party with cleveland players and all kinda drugs were involved. If plex ends up in some big market or even another small market he will end up in some kinda serious trouble. If not for football he would already be in jail. everyone knows what i’m tryin to say.

You have a good point. I also hope Russ Grim stays

just say it he is a crackhead and acts like a fucking crackhead.