
Next seasons thoughts if we don,t have plex n bettis…

We’ll be fine depending on what Lee Mays can do. Thats a stretch, I know, but I figure that we’ll either need him to be a decently reliable #2 reciever (if el stays at #3) or a good #3 (if el goes to 2).

Bettis doesnt worry me. Staley/Haynes/Parker we’ll be fine. I think Verron needs more touches anyway.

I hate to guess, b/c before this season I woulda guessed the STeelers would have went 10-6 at the best

I’m tempted to say really well next year, but I’ll stifle my guess and guess low and say 11-5, and win the AFC North again

you just argued with me yesterday saying i don’t know shit about football because i said that el can take the place of plax… then you wrote an essay on why he shouldn’t be a 2 reciever… now you’re saying he might be… :wtf: :slap:

He can’t take the place of Plax, IMO. But that doesn’t mean that they Steelers might not try him there anyways. I’m not arguing what the Steelers will or will not do, I’m arguing what I think they should do.

If they put him at the #2 its a mistake I think. But they might see it differently and put him there anyways.

I did say that he SHOULDNT be the #2 reciever. But he might end up being it anyways. Just like you shouldn’t be a complete
:asshole: , but you are one anyways.

since the defense won mostly all the games we played
with the exceptions of the ones where the offence rolled

(offensive wins)
houston- pre season
new england
ny giants

i think well be just fine with haynes and who ever else we wide recieve as long as we pass.

fck burres seriously. After i seen that shyt on the news with him talking about the steelers i could give two fcks about him. Running, you got to remember we still got Duce, but the one two punch with bettis will be missed. Also, next season i think bens gonna show massive improvments. All in all thought i think were gonna have a good season next year two.

i think its alittle early to even worry about it. i’m sure there r gonna be pesonnal changes within the team that r gona make a difference, so after the draft and most of the offseason free agents have moved, then i’ll put my .02 worth in

I dont see how he couldnt be more productive than Burress. Burress didnt do shit this year. Ward > Burress. We need to make him a franchise player. Hopefully we dont get so many early season injuries in our defense next year. It will be cool to see Casey Hampton back. I cant see us not winning the AFC North next year. Should be another fun regular season to watch.

You’re right, Ward is WAY > Burress… I agree 110%. I dont think we have to make Hines our Franchise player… Ward will get an appropriate contract. Franchising a guy is usually for a guy that might get a better off elsewhere, but the team is willing to sacrifice high $$ to keep him… I dont think Hines would ever think about leaving Pittsburgh as long as we gave him a fair, market value offer.

It’s tough to explain why Randel El, in my opinion, is going to struggle without going into real heavy duty football shit that most people dont give a shit about. I don’t really want to go into what I know about man to man, 1 cover, 3 cover, 2 cover, 2 deep zones, etc… and how they affect a shorter reciever that plays the X (split end) position. Basically, look around the league at recievers that play the outside, or X, position. They are all 6’2" or taller. The inside guys, 6’1" or smaller, usually make the most catches, but would be really limited if they played Split End. Look at Fitzgerald (6’3") Charles Rodgers from Detroit (6’4") Randy Moss (6’4"), Reggie Wayne from Indy (6’2"), Javon Walker from GB (6’3"). All these guys are tall guys. Inside guys, the position Hines plays, are guys like Marvin Harrison, Mushin Muhammed, Roy Williams (hes an anomoly, he could play outside with his physical strength), Torry Holt, all guys that are fast, yes a little smaller and work better in space instead of being putin jump ball (vertical) positions.

Antwaan might work at the X position… Stranger things have happened. But I think height is something needed at that position.

One of the reasons Burress struggled, IMO, is because hes big but hes not really a physical reciever. Despite Moss being rail thin, hes pretty physical and really goes after balls. Fitz is physical, Rodgers is physical (when hes not hurt), Walker is physical. But they have the size to be physical and that helps. I think a 5’9" or 5’10" Randel El isnt going to be physical or big enough to work at the X position. But I’m sure well find out in July.

we need rod smith!!!

we need a new coach

:eek2: are you serious?

yep, read the other threads where I explain why.

I think he is a POS

yes he is. Sadly enough. Cowher is a horrible coach. I mean, racking up the best record in AFC history with a soaking wet rookie… he’s total shit.

has he ever won when it counted, NO. point proven, cowher sucks ass

The same guy who, with took a 6-10 team, a rookie qb, and a shitty secondary, went to the AFC championship? :bash:

who gives a flying fuck what he did, he can’t get it done when it counts. The point of the regular season and the entire season is to win the super bowl, not to do good during the regular season and then choke in the playoffs. Until he figures out a way to win when it actually counts, I will consider him a shitty coach.