no doubt Plax is gonna want alot of money. i think hes gone. either he is just gonna want to leave nomatter what or hes gonna demand too much to stay and we’ll let him walk. as far as Mays and El. Mays is actually the fastest reciever on the team (kinda hard to believe), but hes not ready (or maybe capable) of the number 2 spot and i dont think El is really either. as far as the B-back situation, they will prob cut Scott to free up some cash. he makes too much and wouldnt start next year anyways. our safetys r awesome. both young and hit hard. plus troy is super fast. all we really need is a solid CB to play opposite of Deshea and let Willy play nickle.
I think you guys are underestimating Randle El. He’s been playing the #3 guy for like 2 or 3 years now. I think he’s ready to take a shot at the #2 spot. The guy had a great season. 43 rec for 600 yards. Thats actually a better average than Ward. He has pretty good hands and gets good YAC. Some people on the Steeler board are suggesting a Fred Smoot/Plax trade. Smoot, the CB for the Skins, has expressed interest in leaving the Skins and his contract is up. Plax can still be traded before his contract runs out. It wouldnt be a bad trade, but I think it might be worth holding out to see where Moss goes, because if Baltimore cant afford him they will be VERY interested in Plax, who is like a bargain basement Randy Moss. They might be willing to give up a substantial defensive player (which is already very good) to try and get the offense kickstarted. And its well known that the Ravens receivers BLOW. So… it will be an interesting off season to say the least.
Townsend had a HORRIBLE season. He’s decent underneath, but he gets beat on every deep route if the safties dont come to bail his ass out. We need to get the fuck rid of him. And Polamalu hasnt been all that great in coverage.
I disagree I think troy did a great job in the secondary with big picks and hard hits. townsend isn’t fast but is a better cover man than scott
well we cant say much about Scott since he didnt get any play this year. Troy is good at covering in the slot and stepping in front of people to make a pick, but he isnt that great in providing saftey help over the top to his corners. Now, the fact that our corners suck isnt making his play look any better, so you have to take that into account too. Bottom line is we need to get some cornerbacks, and maybe a good Tight End.
If Football involved Fake boobs and camel toes i’d be s00000 interested.
But, guess what. Football Suxors and the steelers season is over :kekegay:
Once again, I have to respectfully disagree. Antwaan is an excellent 3rd reciever who thrives on matchups with safeties, linebackers, or nicklebacks to thrive. Being matched up with a starting corner is going to be a different story… Also, Plax played the Split End position, meaning he was on the outside of the formation. That position gets played more bump and run, more physical man to man. Plax had the physical ability to get past those and use his size… I think Antwaan will be in trouble at 5’10" 193lbs getting out of those bump and run positions, which allows the safeties to play free over the top for interceptions. Being in on the slot position allows more room to maneuver, which is something that a shifty and quick player like Randel El thrives on. Once again, I’m going to point to guys like Az Hakim from St. Louis to Detroit, and Peerless Price from Buffalo to Atlanta. It’s just a whole different ballgame when you go from #3 guy getting good matchups to a starter against starting corners.
Thruout all my arguments, I want to make one thing clear. As much as I think Plax could help if he stayed (key word = could), he needs to go… he is the anti-thesis of a Steeler football player.
As for whomever said Mike Williams might slip to late in the first round, I highly highly doubt that. Braylon Edwards and Mike Williams are the two best recievers in the draft, and the talent drops big time from them on… I dont want the Steelers to make a nother mistake when they miss their guy (D. Boston) and go for a reach guy who doesn’t pan out (T. Edwards). I figure Williams probably goes #5 (or whatever pick it is) to Chicago, Braylon Edwards #17 (or whatever it is) to Baltimore. Just my guess.
braylon is the top WR in the draft no doubt, but even mel kiper was sayin williams could possibly slide to the second round.
Its an absolute crime if Mike Williams drops to the 2nd round. They were projecting him to be drafted above Fitz and R. Williams last year, and now all the sudden he drops to the 2nd round?
I believe you that Kiper says that. But I have a feeling that Kiper will change his tune after the Combine… Williams had to do something right to be rated higher than Fitz and Roy Williams last year.
i agree the guy has special talents BUT a year of no playing has to have some effect. Clarett is expected to go late in the draft.
Clarett is a fuckin head case. If I was a GM I wouldn’t draft him if my life depended on it.